not again.

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I wake up feeling immediately sick and in panic but my vision isn't all there it's slowing fading back to normal

I feel the motion like I'm in a moving car I then rub my eyes and widen them to realise I'm in the back of a van

I frantically start panicking because I need tom what if they killed him and the boys and there's no one to save me where even am I right nowy head was racing of a bunch of bad ideas I took a large breathe to calm down
I need to do something
I crawled to the side van doors but they way locked I started kicking at the lock but still nothing until the van stopped moving
I hear two doors slam and people muttering on the outside
The van doors slide open with two men pointing there guns at me so I don't try and escape

"Fuck" I say stressing and grasping my head into my knees

This shit is not what I need right now.

the men climb in and drag me out the van I look around to see I'm in some big alleyway behind what seems to be a massive club
I tried my best taking in my surroundings taking notes in my head as there was nothing else I could do we get into the club with a bar ,strip poles and tables with chairs being empty since it was during the day they then drag me upstairs into a long red and black hallway and then throws me into a room with just a bathroom bed and wardrobe

" Be ready by six your work starts then"
One of the two men says

" What work? Can you please just tell me what's going on?" I say still confused and in shock

The men look at eachother with one of them shrugging and walking away as if to say he's isn't dealing with that

The man walks into the room shuttin the door behind him

" Tonight your working on one of the poles and maybe a private room if you are payed enough,be ready by six everything you need is in the wardrobe " the man says

"No what?I'm not doing that ,why am I even here ? Who even are you people" I'm not going through this again

The man sighs from all my questions
"You have no choice, tom and his men and me and mine had trouble few years back we've waited since then to get back at tom and his men since but it wasn't the right time we also then heard you was the highest payed at that Roman guys place and figured you would be great for out club and also great for killing your precious boyfriend when he tries coming for you so we make money and kill tom, no more questions " the man says walking out and slamming the door

I stay quiet for a moment to gather my thoughts I just hysterically breakdown I just need a break its literally every fucking day there's something new that just fucks everything up I'm so tired of all this
But the guy said "great for killing tom when he comes to get me" So atleast I know toms alive
God I need him so bad right now and just both of us to be lying in our bed next to eachother
But I'm sure everything will work out like it always does or so I hope but if not I need find a way to escape I look at the time and it's 4:30 I should start getting ready so i have time to look around

I get out the shower and dry my hair I walk to the wardrobe to find something to wear and the only thing I could find was this black lace lingerie set with baby pink bows going down the middle it was cute but wearing it to get payed my eager men? No thank you

I put it on and do my makeup , I did a smoky eye with glossy lips as the eyeshadow palette was dark colours and all the other lipsticks was bright colours that don't even match

I looked in the wardrobe for some shoes and found black knee high heels with a pink ribbon going down to tie them I mean they was hot but I'm not this kind of girl the only reason I'm going through with this is because I learnt the hardest way that fighting back gets u nowhere

Music starts booming so I'm guessing there opening the club now I take a deep breathe looking at myself in the mirror dreading the feelings to be stared at by men in a way i dont wanna be stared at
I can't help but see the Taylor I hate in the mirror then one who started drinking and smoking and stop fighting for what was right
But I mean I think I needed a smoke and a drink during them times otherwise I would of gone crazy

Someone's first does three loud bangs on the door
"It's time" the man says


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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