Chapter 9: The little girl...

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She was living two weeks with her father and one week with the monster; however, that lasted for about two months. She kept telling her father that she didn't want to stay there and that she never felt safe.

She finally got what she wanted, but at a price. The house her father and the little girl resided in was to be put to the ground and restarted.

The house was full of mold, of dead rats, of dog pee inside the walls, of eaten wires, and of mold mushrooms. The first thing that was started was the living room, where the little girl slept. She was working in a dollar store. She was still healing as she finally escaped that monster, or at least she thought.

When the living room was done, she installed herself in it to live in it for the next year and a half. She was fine with it; better have dead lungs than live another second in the surroundings of that monster. They made a deal to live in a town separated from each other. One in a town and the other in another.

The next thing to do was get her room. She had to wait awhile to be able to get her own room, but she was happy to wait as she gained all the patience in the world as she didn't have to see that monster ever again. She was starting to really heal, and finally she could see her little brother for about a day, as he never wanted to stay in the freedom that was offered to him; he was and still is being manipulated by money.

After a year and a half, she got her room, but not without a crazy story to tell about it. She tried to remember as much as she could. She was helping her father and his friends clean the room that was going to become her first bedroom—yes,  her first—but let's not get too wrapped up in it right now. She had to wear gloves and a special mask to help, as what was seen on the old floorboard was something that was never seen before. There was mold so condensed into the small square that it formed mushrooms of mold.

The friend of her father, who was a renowned inspector of homes for fifteen years, had never seen or heard of mushrooms made of mold in his career. She was shocked; of course, you don't hear that every day. Once the floor was cleared, it was discovered that the inside of the walls was held only by mold, and that the mold was the wall.

Once everything was done, the room upstairs was the next one to go, as her father also needed a place to sleep. The outside wall was eaten by carpenter ants and was about to fall. Once the room was done and the strange outlet was removed, the room was done. After this, the bathroom was next, and that is where the girl almost experienced a house fire. If she hadn't called her father that day, she would have been without a house, as a chewed wire was starting to catch fire. Strangely, the smell of fire was only noticeable in the bathroom and not in the hallway where the outlet is, as it was there that the fire was starting.

After the bathroom was done, the rest of the house, or, to be precise, only the first floor, was done. The house is small, but it has a basement. After awhile, the father brought another woman; however, he wants the girl, his daughter, to be the final test for all the women he brought home. There were a total of three women that made it into the home. The first one was another alcoholic, and he was thrown out. The second one he was about to marry but was cheated on. Then he took a year off, and as he did meet about 47 women, his daughter counted them. At least those were the ones she knew about. Her father didn't want what happened to his daughter to happen again, and so he is very selective.

One day, the monster came back, and it yelled at the little girl that she would be brought to court and that she would become the tool she was always supposed to be. The girl was terrified, as she didn't want to live through all of this again. She was in college at the time and didn't want any of this hell to start over.

She was forced again to live something that she never wanted to ever think about. She was telling everything to her father; at the time, they were helping another woman, and they helped as she needed it, being in a toxic and abusive relationship. The small family of two decided to help her out. However, all this fighting was going to the father's head; he was tired of trying again and again.

This left the little girl terrified that she was going to go back to the nightmare that was her mother's care. Something that was thought to never come to mind again, yet here they are, suffering the idea that is becoming a tool once more. All seemed like she was to never be set free once she was in the hands of that monster once more. She was but a tool once again in this situation, something she always thought she could ever escape from.

Fear is something that makes humans behave in ways not much can imagine. As she was getting yelled at, she was in what seemed to be a post-traumatic response, as all she remembers from that day was getting yelled at that she would be brought to court and that the monster of a mother would win, so that she was in her custody. She was shaking from the fear and from all the hate she held towards the monster that was yelling at her as she looked at her father. As he looked at her, she moved her head to the side, looking at the collection of large knives that was in the middle of her vision. She looked at the biggest knife for about five seconds before turning her head again to look at her father.

All she remembers is her father moving his head in the motion, saying no, and her just going into her head to escape all the yelling that was happening, as she was freaking out on the inside. She was forced to relive countless memories of what was supposed to be her dark past just coming back, resurging only to terrify her more. The fear that she was going to become the tool—the very being she tried again and again to never become.

She developed a fear of big knives that day, as she didn't want to become a monster just like the person who raised her. Well, it wasn't exactly raised, but more like an abused, used, and thrown away once done kind of deal. Over time, she will forget that fear and be able to use the cleavers and such. But it will have taken years before she trusts herself with the mere sight of the knives.


This story is coming to an end. As it's nearing its end, many are not able to reach the help, love, and care needed to heal from this type of abuse and exploitation. If you see, experience, or are suspicious that someone is engaging in this type of behavior, please report it. These people will never get the help they need if they do not reach out for help. Yes,  it is terrifying, and yes, it may seem to only have bad sides. But without the help, without reaching out, they, or you, will never be able to escape the situation they, or you, are in.

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