Chapter 3: Kindergarten

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She was living on and about; she was about three. She had to go to a small hell that was called home. It was created by the monster that lived in her life forever. As she was four, she was forced to go to kindergarten, even though the mother stayed at home. It didn't make any sense now, did it? She stayed at home, doing nothing, as she forced her child to go to kindergarten but kept the baby at home. That was what was called favoritism, something that she will learn much later on.

Before going to bed, as part of the routine she remembers, she sneaks food on her person by any means needed, as she was fed portions of a one-month-old baby without snacks during the day. Only to fake her own sleep, she fooled me at that; she was asleep, or so I thought, as age showed me the tricks she learned from surviving in this nightmare where she could never wake up. It's such a wonder to see how the human body, mind, and soul can adapt to such torment. To get back on track, as she faked her sleep, she felt hands crawling all around her body, touching her in places that shouldn't be touched. She knew she was being searched. The only place that wasn't touched by those filthy, grime-hunting hands was her small and fragile spine. The exact line where the bone is seen is through the skin.

Once the search was done, it could take up to 30 minutes. She remembers that she was locked up almost under lock and key in her room. There were two baby gates, one placed upon the other, and they were staked. There was a hole about the size of a full-grown cat, yet somehow she was able to fit in the hole to gather the food that was stolen from her. She was rightfully hungry. She needed the damn food; she needed to hunt; it's completely normal; she was starving.

At this point in time, we only have given about an hour of what her routine was in a day, starting at night, but the rest is a bit tricky to explain. She knew what to do to not make any noise. At this point, she was able to have the whole kitchen to herself. She, however, couldn't fall asleep, not because she was eating but because she could still feel the hands crawling up and down her body. In her adulthood, she discovered that was why she feared touch of any kind, but as a child, she always wondered why she was scared of touch.

As the day arrived, she was forced into the second hell of her life, kindergarten. She had to suffer through not being able to talk, as she was too scared to even utter a sound. To solve that problem, she played alone in the corner, only to be bullied by the kindergarten caretakers and the children that were being taken care of. She was laughed at for the way she ate, making any meal last forever, as she was scared that she would lose her right to eat. The way she always asked for snacks at the kindergarten was laughed at. It was stupid. Why does a child want to get fat? Were the questions the caretakers had all the time.

She was moved twice into different kindergartens; she had to change again and again; and she was forced to play with others who laughed at her. But the worst was yet to come. The worst was the one person who would follow her for 11 years.

That person was a bitch, a person who wasn't happy that someone was happy other than herself. She was the second monster to follow the little girl, only to bring her into another nightmare. She started by laughing at her as she ate a Ficello. By tearing it slowly into shreds, she would make the small snack last longer. She would be able to make the hunger pains go away for longer today. And that was how it all started. She was even more bullied by that simple action, which other children could never fathom to understand.

An Ficello is a small stick of cheese that was loved by children in the 2000's, as it was the perfect snack size for any age of kids. There were also many ads on television about the small snack that were, to say the least, strange. If we are able to find any of these ads, they shall be added to the author's note. The treat was known for being a peel-and-eat treat, not an open-and-eat treat like a banana. It is also a brand known to be extremely expensive, only for about five grams of cheese. I do wonder if it tastes cheap or not, as it is now almost impossible to buy some at the price these are.

Kindergarten was something she had mostly forgotten; who even remembers much of their kindergarten days? Not much, as she continued to live more nightmares that will soon become the norm for her little, poor life, as she was to only feel pain. Sadly, the truth hurts. Just like words and actions, what she lived was never supposed to befall anyone, but she had to live it. She had to take the blame and take the hit so that her brother may never live what she did. She was ready for that pain.

The story of the kindergartens has to come to a close. The next story will be about her school routine, how she truly lived, and why she wished for years to sleep and never wake up. But that is a story for another day.


We had to stop early today as the school topic is really long and painful, and the memories are more vivid. Once the person is ready, this book will be updated.

Here is one of the strange ads that the brand Ficello made when it was released. This encouraged the children to play and have a vivid imagination.

I thank all of you for sharing the story in any way, be it by sending a resume to a friend or even sharing the link, so that the pain may stop. So that this person's wish of making sure that as many people can get the help they truly need may come true.

I cannot thank you enough for reading, glancing, or surveying this book.

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