Chapter 17

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I placed my head into my hands and just sobbed as soon as I made sure he was gone and down the hall heading back to his room. That bastard wasn't going to bring me down again. Yeah this pregnancy might have been too soon and unexpected, but I never wanted something in my life more than what I want this baby. I already feel a connection to him as crazy as it sounds. As much as it hurts to know that he is going to walk out of my life once again, nothing is more painful than to think that someone couldn't want an innocent life that didn't ask to be here. He's here for a reason and maybe that reason is for me to be his mom and nothing more. I wallowed in my self pity for what seemed like an hour when the doctor came back in. "Well Miss Wattson, it seems like you are completely hydrated and the contractions have subsided. How are you feeling from your faint earlier?"

"I just really want to go home." I said as calmly as I could without breaking out into more crying. "Alright. I will get your discharge papers ready and we will have you out of here in no time. Now take it easy for a couple of days. Drink plenty of fluids and just stay on bedrest. You'll feel better by the weekend." He smiled and walked out of the room. Better. Yeah right. I am going to take that advice though and just lay around for two days. I think I can handle that. I'll just text Mindy later and let her know what is going on. She has been such a trooper with my crazy schedule and with Jacob being in the hospital for all this time. I really need to make sure to recommend her for a raise.

I got my discharge papers from the nurse and I gathered up all of my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I went out into the hall and got into the nearest elevator that I could find. I walked through the doors and pushed the L button. The doors shut and I finally started to feel some relief from knowing that here in just a few short minutes I would be out of this place. Suddenly, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I looked up to digital monitor and it had the number two across the screen. Impulsively, I stepped out of the elevator and in my head it seemed like a good idea to go back to room 214 and give Jacob a piece of my mind. I stood by the door and I hesitated. The door was open, but for some reason my legs wouldn't let me walk in there. I peeked in and I saw him sitting on the side of his bed with his back facing the doorway so he didn't see me looking in on him. I watched him for just a moment and saw his shoulders bobbing up and down. He was crying. What reason did he have to cry? He is the one who basically said that he didn't want us. I listened to him lightly sob for just a few more minutes and I decided to just leave. I think he knows that he messed up by what he said and the last thing that he needed was me going in there and telling him off. I got back onto the elevator and hit the L button again.

I hopped into my car and decided to call Sammy. I dialed her number and listened to it ring over the car speakers. "Hello my lovely mama! How is Jacob? I got your last message and I was going to call, but I didn't want to interrupt anything. You have to tell me all about it!" She said bubbling with excitement. "Honestly, there is nothing to tell." I said very monotone and low. "What do you mean, nothing to tell? I thought they said there was something major happening and needed you to be there? What were they wanting you to come up there for? She said very sharply. "Look, I will explain everything when I get home, okay? I am just really hungry." I said, rubbing my stomach and realizing that I hadn't eaten hardly anything all day. "Well come on home. I have a big surprise for you and I made a big supper, so you'll be well fed and you can tell me all the details." She said with a little less aggression. I told her okay and hung up. I drove thirty minutes back to my house in solitude. Not one call. Not one message from Jacob. I know he has a phone, because when I realized that he had lost his in the crash I went and got him another one, just like he had done for me. What a waste of money and effort, I thought to myself. Unlike him though, I didn't tap it to show where he is constantly. He wasn't worth it and I didn't want to waste my time checking up on him. Why do I care so much? Why can't I just let this go. I went so many years without even so much as a goodbye from him the last time that we had seen each other. I pulled into the driveway and saw she had cut the light on for me beside the kitchen door. I walked in and she greeted me with a huge plate of food. I graciously took it from her and sat down at the table. "Where is my laptop?" I asked as I made my way to the fridge for something to drink. "I put it back in your room along with your other work stuff. Now tell me everything girl." She said as she grabbed her much smaller plate and sat down at the chair next to mine. So I told her everything. She was upset that I didn't call her when I was having pains, but she was mortified when I told her what Jacob had done. "That asshole!" she yelled out with part of her potatoes coming out with it. "I know, and it's okay. Malachi and I..." she cut me off. "Who is Malachi?"

"Oh, did I forget to mention that he told me it was a boy?" I said as I could see her face start to drop a little. She tried to hide how upset she was because I know she wanted the gender to be a surprise for me while she was working on something. "Well, I guess it's okay that he told you, but Malachi? Why?" She asked cocking her head to the side. "It was my mother's favorite book in the bible and I always thought it was a unique and beautiful name." I said to her as she just watched me in amazement. I swore I had told her this a long time ago that if I had children I would name a boy Malachi and a girl Melinda. "You know.." She started in, "Come with me. I told you I had a surprise for you, but now I have two!" She grabbed my hand and led me towards the hallway. It looked normal finally, but there was an extra door. I placed my hand on the doorknob and she pulled my hand away and led me towards my bedroom. She opened my door and I went in and there was a new door in my room beside my dresser. "Go ahead." She beamed with so much pride. I grabbed the knob and turned it. I stepped inside a small beautiful white bathroom with loads of baby towels, shampoos, washes, bubble bath, and a mirror full of baby items. I looked around in awe and in the bathtub was a little baby bathtub and some toys. "Go through the next door." She said gleefully. I opened the next door and walked into a beautiful pastel blue room with everything decked out in it that a baby could need. A bassinet, crib, dresser, baby monitor, clothes, diapers. It was all so much as I began to cry. I ran my hand along the side of the crib and turned to her to try to hug her, but she stopped me. "One last surprise." she said as she turned my head towards a wall. It was only a half wall and I thought maybe she had made some type of funky closet for the baby, but as I went around the side I saw a beautiful wooden desk with my laptop, extra monitor and all of my office supplies and a big comfy office chair with a bouncer next to it. My jaw dropped and I turned to her. "Well, I figure when the baby is still small instead of being in the kitchen and trying to juggle a newborn you may need a workspace closer to the baby." She smiled and I could tell she was fighting back tears.

"Sammy, I don't know how to thank you for everything you have done. I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you." I said crying and throwing her into my biggest bear hug I could give. "It was nothing. I love you too and I love you too Mr. Malachi." She said as she rubbed my stomach. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. Not even that heartless jerk.

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