Chapter 2

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Before I stepped into the tub, I stopped to look at myself in the mirror. I wasn't a beauty queen, but I damn sure wasn't ugly. Unlike Sammy, with her Auburn hair cut into a cute bob, a size 5, with hazel eyes and fair skin looking like an Irish beauty I was actually quite opposite. I have long brunette hair with chunky high and low lights of blonde and a deep burgundy red, 5'7", an hourglass figure with double d breasts and perky nipples, a size 16 around my plump butt and big, soft green eyes to go with it all. Not a bump or freckle on my complexion, and I never had to use foundation. Just the other touches like mascara and eye shadow and a little shimmer powder to make my nose look a little thinner, but that was only for clubbing or trying to score some d. Which clearly didn't happen tonight. Nobody was interesting. In fact, most of the men tonight looked like they were either there to cheat, or had an STD. I probably could have gone home with someone like Sammy did, but the pain from Derek was just too fresh right now. Men are just not worth the heartache sometimes, and their dicks do nothing but get you into trouble. So, no thank you. After my water finished and my bubbles were right at the tip of the tub, I lowered my body into the steamy water. "Damn, I forgot some wine." I thought to myself not wanting to get out and get cold. Oh well. I had already had a couple of drinks and a wild walk home, maybe drinking a little more was not the best idea. Plus, I had my purple friend to take my mind off of everything right now. My water was super-hot, so I lowered myself just enough to where the water was caressing my nipples. I grabbed my purple pal off of my towel and said, "Well, it's just you and I tonight." I pressed the button on the bottom of the dildo to the lowest vibration setting. With my free hand I gently grabbed my breast and began to massage my hard nipples, and with the other I lowered it into the tub and placed the head of the dildo next to my swollen wet pussy. I start to tease myself, slowly grinding against the head of the dildo and massaging my breast harder and I let out a moan. "Oh DEREK!" BUZZ. Startled, I raise up and notice that my phone had went off and fell from the counter into the sink. "Well shit Sammy. Way to kill a mood." I muttered under my breath and decided to lean back into the water and try again. The sudden startle had my heart pounding, and the moment was gone. I placed the dildo back onto the towel and decided to soak for just a few more minutes before checking the notification. She must either be having fun and sending me pictures, or she is in need of an excuse to leave because the sex is so bad. It wouldn't be the first time. I start to giggle and raise up to let the water go down the drain. I stand up, take the dildo off of my towel, and dry off. BUZZ. "What the hell is going on with her. She must need me to rescue her." I say wrapping the towel around my and grabbing my phone out of the sink. Two notifications, but it doesn't say who it's from. It doesn't say anything at all. So, I swipe open the phone and go to my message app. at the top of the screen I see not a phone number, but two unread messages from someone called Untitled. I open the messages and my heart nearly jumps out of my skin as I read, Enjoy the walk with me? Then, don't worry. You won't be calling his name while you masturbate after I am through with you Annie. I throw the phone. It smashes against the door in the bathroom, and I stand there, shaking, and in disbelief. "What the fuck is going on?" I dash to the door and run into the kitchen. Everything is still locked up. I go into the living room and check the front door that we never use. Locked. "I have had too much to drink. I am going crazy. I need to lay down, because this isn't real." I say to myself as I head back down the hall and go to grab my broken phone from the bathroom. Well, glad I was planning to get another one soon. More motivation to go to the store tomorrow. I throw my panties and tank top on and jump under the covers and look out the window before laying down. Nothing. No one. I think it's time to sleep.

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