Not so lucky

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// Dedicated to Leigh_ for writing the most awesome books on Wattpad //

Chapter 7 – Not so lucky

POV: Julia Allen

After the busy Saturday at athletics, I woke feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

That was until I realised all the homework that still need to be done. Damn those teachers. Couldn’t they at least give us one week to settle back in?

I decided on a quick breakfast then to get the torture over and done with. After I had put my toast on and was about to make some milo the phone rang.

“Brr brr..brr brr” it rang out.

“Hello it’s Julia.”

Hi Julia, it’s Justin here.

“Hello Justin, how are you doing?”

Fine thanks Julia. Just wondering if Charlie’s there.

“Ok”, I replied. “Just a sec and I’ll see if he’s here.” “Dad!” I yelled out.

“Gone to the butcher Darling,” my Mum returned.

“Sorry Justin, he’s out. Do you want me to get him to call you when he gets home?”

Don’t worry about it, I just talk to him at the BBQ this arvo. See you soon Julia.

“Bye,” I said quickly.

The BBQ had completely slipped my mind. Luckily I had enough time to get my homework done.

My thinking was interrupted by my toast popping. It was burnt. I abandoned my toast and made a milo.

When the coast was clear I took it into my bedroom. The house was unusually quiet so I supposed the twins went with Dad into town.

 Better make the most of this I thought before digging straight into some hideous maths equations.

Before long I had finished all my homework and it was time to get ready for the BBQ. I decided to step outside for a weather gage and see if I could find Mum.

I walked outside to find the wind whipping and the sky as grey as the city pavement.

“Hello Sunshine,” my Mum called out.

I found her in the vegie patch doing some weeding. Mum was definitely a green thumb. She loved the outdoors and put lots of pride and effort into her garden.

“Hey Mum, any idea what we might be up to at the Collins today,” I asked.

“Well it is going to rain anytime soon, so maybe a movie marathon or a mega sleepover.” I laughed.

I remember the good old days when we were kids. We would all bring our sleeping bags and have a massive sleepover in their lounge room. We would all stay up late playing games like wink murder and glow in the dark tag.

Now we were all grown up and there was no way I would have a sleepover with six guys!  

“C’mon sweetie, it wouldn’t be the end of the world,” she said with a wink. Sometimes I swear my Mum is a freaking mind reader.

“I’m going to get dressed. I don’t want to be rained on.”

I had spoken to soon. The rain bucketed down as I made it to the house wet through. It was time to dry off and get changed.

I decided wearing my skinny jeans and a nice big red jumper with a singlet underneath. I was just fixing my hair when the boys made it home.

“Mum and Julia, meet us in the car. We have all the stuff,” Eddie shouted.

“Ok, I’ll be there in a jiffy,” Mum yelled. It must have taken me long than I thought to get dry again.

“Hurry up Julia,” Jake called.

“I’m coming!” I slipped my yellow gumboots on and started towards the car. I could hear the squelching of my boots in the mud and the pelting of the rain against the tin roof of the veranda.

I had nearly made it to the car when I stepped in a pot hole. I went down. I was covered in mud from top to bottom. It didn’t help that I could hear Jake and Eddie in hysterical laughter. This was not funny! I pushed myself off the ground and finally got the car.

The car started to the Collins but I knew one thing for sure. Today, luck was not on my side.


Hey guys :) Thanks for reading !!

How are you all ? Been soooooo busy lately with school and basketball tryout !!

Short chapter but I promise the next one will we worth it !!!

JayKayGee xx

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