Girls' Night

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~ The dedication button isn't working by my dedication goes to LittleGirlBlue for her awesome book Paper Hearts ~

Chapter 11 – Girls’ Night

POV: Julia Allen

After the final bell rang I raced to my locker and headed straight for the bus. The school bus was dingy and old and smelt like toasted cheese sandwiches. My tummy growled as I hopped on. “Hello Mr Parkinson” I cheered.

“Nice seeing you too Julia,” he drawled out. Mr Parkinson was an old man with wispy white hair. It was surprising he hadn’t lost it all due to the horrifying children he had to deal with twice a day.

I walked past him and straight into my usual seat – middle on the left. It was far enough away from the pesky year sevens, near enough to the popular people to not be a target and in perfect position for a quick exit. Plugging my ear phones I began to listen to some of the random music I have and block out all the worries of the world.

Oh, the joys of the high school bus.

After eternity I finally made it home. Slumping my school bag on the floor I sprawled myself out on the couch. I was just beginning to get comfortable when my Mum walked in.

“Julia dear, you will never guess,” she called enthusiastically. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Mum to pieces but her positivity can be really frustrating. Twisting my body so I could look her in the eye I yawned.

“What now Mum?” Did her garden grow into a jungle and the twins were eaten by a lion, or were they kidnapped by aliens? I secretly hoped.

“We are having a girls’ night! I have told the twins to go straight to the Collins’ after school and Charlie will go there with pizzas for dinner. Seriously, at least Dad and Justin could make dinner. “Tia said she could come over when the pizzas arrive.”

“Fun,” I said in all seriousness. Unlike usual teenage mothers, my Mum and Tia were actually pretty cool. They weren’t bossy and unapproachable, nor push overs and clingy.

“I’ll just try and finish my homework now.” With a movie, pizza and popcorn this might actually be as good as one of my sleepovers.

“Hi girlies,” Tia giggled as we let her inside and out of the chill. With her four boys she hardly ever had time to wind down and have some fun. I think it might be these nights that keep her sane after a household of boys.

“Hi Tia, Mum called. We had already set up the couch and Mum had the DVD’s at hand.

Tia huffed, “It was already chaos back there. The little ones were on sugar highs and were running around the whole joint like monkeys.” I smiled. Sounds like normal.

“Well good on you for leaving them, you definitely are in need of a girls’ night.” Tia flopped on the couch lying down on Mum’s lap. Did I mention they are best friends? - Growing up together, kind of like Hugh and I.... but way closer.

“So what movie do we want to watch?” I said. The movies were chick flicks, all the same for me.

“How about pizza and truth or dare first, without the dare part?” Tia said. She really was a funny one.

“So you are starving for pizza and want to share secrets.” I chuckled out.

“Exactly, Mum laughed, Tia in a nutshell.”

“Mmmm this pizza is so good” I said. Tia agreed by rubbed her tummy and nodding.

“Delicious!” Mum exclaimed before grabbing another slice from the open box.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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