BBQ boys

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Chapter 2 - BBQ boys

POV: Julia Allen

By the time we reached the Collins' property I was a mess. My chocolate brown hair was everywhere, the thong (A/N Yes this is a flip flop for those non Aussies) I used to fend off Jake was missing and I had a bite mark on my other arm. The only plus was Dad said I could definitely have a window seat on the way back, scout's honour.

The Collins' property was quite large with the house situated on top of the hill. Like one of those fairytale ideals we all have. Dad parked near the gate so we had to walk all the way up. Luckily for me I was fit from all my athletics training and made it up there without a puff.

My crazy little brothers decided to race all the way there. Eddie was much faster the Jake so he got to ring the doorbell - what a prize! Tia answered the door with her usual smiley cheer.

"Good day for a BBQ Allens," she said as she let us in. "Just follow the noise," she laughed as Jake and Eddie tore down the hallway towards the pool. I helped Mum and Dad bring the rest of the food inside. I shortly became bored of the adult chit chat and decided it was to time to venture outside.

"Long time no see Julia," Luke yelled before he catapulted into the pool! The splash was huge so I quickly manoeuvred myself as far away from the pool as possible.

"Hey guys," I shouted to no one in particular before settling down on one the reclining chairs far enough away from the pool. The topless Luke and Hugh were having a bomb contest while Trent was the judge.

"Six!" he called out to Luke.

"No way man, that was at least an eight!" Luke exclaimed.

Behind them Max had clearly found Jake and Eddie. The trouble makers were whispering to each other before Eddie raced off around the pool.

The other two started chasing him with water pistols. Water pistols! Oh no! I leap from my chair and sprinted for the house. I raced past the pool and I and nearly made it to safety when Hugh appeared in front of me.

"Hey Julia. How are you doing?" he smirked. At that moment I knew something was up. Hugh was like a brother to me and I knew that the smirk meant no good. Before I could reply I was tossed over his shoulder.

"Help!" I screeched as I was nearing the pool. No such luck, Jake clumsily knocked into Hugh as he was rushing after Eddie and there was only one place I was going.

The water was freezing cold against my skin and I was completely and utterly wet. I grabbed a handful of Hugh's hair and dragged him under the water!

"You idiot!" I screamed before making my way out of the pool. I quickly rushed to my seat and wrapped my towel around me tightly. My favourite tee was see-through!

"That was definitely a ten!" Trent remarked to Luke and Hugh. I huffed, so much for my no swimming plan. After drying off a little I trudged inside.

"What happened to you sweetie?" My Dad said holding off a laugh. "You look like a drowned rat!"

"Luke, Hugh, Trent, Jake, Eddie and Max happened!" I said clenching my teeth. I was definitely going to get them all back.

"I'll grab you some dry towels dear," Tia said.

"Thanks," I answered. "Well I'm off to the bathroom," I called over my shoulder. It was time to dry off and come up with a kickass plan of attack.

The rest of the BBQ went without any mischief and before long it was time to depart.

"Thanks for having us Justin," I said. "Bye guys, I'll see you at school," I added before briskly making my way out the front door. But before I had made it very far three very wet monkeys called out to me.

"We are really sorry Julia. We didn't mean to push you and Hugh in." called Max.

I laughed, "Don't worry about it. Have a fun sleepover!" The three dripping boys rushed back inside. "Looks like the twins are staying the night," I said to Dad when we had made it into the car.

"Told you the window seat was yours Jules," he called back. The engine roared to life and the peaceful ride home begun. I sat back in my seat and watched the country-side go by. All I had to do was get ready for school tomorrow and have a well-deserved sleep.


Yay!! First two chapters out of the way!! (Lol.. didn't think that would rhyme)

So how are you guys liking it so far?? Please feel free to point out any corrections !!

So glad I have school holidays now! Except I still have homework...

xx JayKayGee

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