School's back

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Chapter 3 - School's back

POV: Julia Allen

As I walked into the school grounds I was greeted by a strangling hug from Lucy. "I can't breathe," I choked out.

"I missed you too!" Lucy giggled. Lucy Thompson had been my best friend since kinder when we threw building blocks at each other and had to sit in the naughty corner for the rest of the day. She has bright auburn coloured hair and is always full of beans.

"How was the trip?" I asked excitedly. Lucy's family had taken her and her brother to the coast in a camper van and spent the holidays there.

"Awesome!" she replied. "As you can see I am extremely tanned!" I laughed. Lucy was lily white, just with more freckles than I remembered. I turned around to find G and Stella waiting patiently.

"Is it our turn yet?" they remarked cheekily before being wrapped up in massive hugs.

"Yep!" Lucy squealed. Along with Lucy, G and Stella were also my best friends. G was tall and had brown hair that fell in ringlets. Unlike Lucy she was not a girlie girl and loved her sport almost as much as me.

Stella on the other hand was awkward and uncoordinated as they came. She was of slight build and had long blonde hair which was always in a braid. Stella was definitely the most studious one.

Together we made an awesome group that stuck together no matter what. After we had finally caught up with the endless news and funny holiday stories the bell rang.

We walked up to the lockers; it was time for the dreaded torture to begin.

As I walked into tutor I came across Hugh and some of his idiotic friends. "Hey Jules, want to have lunch with us today?" he said with a smirk.

"Fat chance Collins!" I replied as I made my way to the empty seat next to G. Hugh was one of the most popular guys in our class and took pleasure in annoying my endless it seemed.

I preferred to hang out with my small group of friends any day of the week.

"C'mon Julia!" he whined. I didn't both to answer. I don't think the popular girls would like me at their table any more than I would want to be there.

"Catch you later, Hugh," I called as G and I left for period 1 - Science. Science was definitely not one of my stronger subjects!

The day was really drawn out and I couldn't wait for lunchtime. I was lucky enough to have one of my friends in every one of my class except P.E which I had with Hugh.

After grabbing my lunch out of my locker I found my friends and we went to our usual spot. Ever since year seven we had always had lunch under the large oak tree next to the footy oval. The tree was big enough for shade and the best spot for a little peace and quiet.

"Alright girlies, Lucy piped up. It is time to start planning our sleepovers again." It seemed like forever that we had sleepovers at one another's houses on Friday night. It was our tradition to ride into town, rent a DVD from the video shop and buy some snacks from the supermarket.

Friday night was great for me because I had athletics on Saturday and had to do all my homework on Sunday. And Sunday night was of course, the BBQ with Collins'.

"I volunteer my house," said Stella. She was lucky to have no younger siblings so the sleepovers were never disrupted.

"Cool!" G exclaimed. We finally finished our lunch when the bell rang. "See you guys tomorrow because I have PE," I called.

"Good luck!" they all replied. They knew that Hugh was in class with me. This always meant a combination of fun times, torture and lots of banter.

"How are you going Julia?" Hugh chimed. "Nice shorts," he added.

"You are such a tease Hugh Collins," I called back before beginning my warm up lap. Hugh shortly joined me as we made our way around the footy oval.

Hugh and I had been in the athletics team together since primary school. We have always been competing against each other and today was no different.

"Got a bit slower over the break," Hugh teased.

"No but I see you have," I chimed straight back.

"Yeah right babe, you saw my six-pack yesterday."

"Well actually I didn't notice." I laughed. I definitely did but I didn't need to admit to that.

"Too busy looking at my ass," he smirked as we rounded the last bend. "See you at the finish line!" Hugh tore out in front of me before I had tuned in. We were half way down the straight and neck to neck. Twenty metres to go when Hugh turned it up a gear and sailed to victory. "Better luck next time sweetheart," he joked.

Before I had time to come up with a smart reply Coach Peterson bellowed over the field.

"As the weather has turned sour and sure to pour down any minute, practise is dismissed. I would like to see you all here tomorrow morning at 6:30am sharp for more training. See you then."

I groaned. I struggled enough with normal wake up time. I was undeniably, not a morning person!

Just as I was about to make my way off to the bus shelter Hugh interrupted me.

"Want a ride babe?" he asked.

"Sure, if you stop calling me babe. I am Julia to you, not babe!"

"Ok babe this way, he called, the Luke service is waiting."

The Collins brothers will be the end of me. Well at least I get a ride home.


Wohoo on a roll !!

A bit of a rivalary going on between Jules and Hugh !! Got to say it is kinda cute...

xx JayKayGee

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