Chapter 4 || Section 3

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I waited by the bus stop anxiously. All I have to do is put the fight we had aside. This is far more important than anything else.
Light figured out a way to find out who was following us and filled me in when he called me. I instantly started getting ready.
I put a hand over my chest, as I took a deep breath.

Finally as I spotted Light and Ryuk flying behind him. I smiled softly. Action.
I said loudly as I waved at him. He smiled softly. As he waved back.
[Ryuk] "sorry, did I keep you waiting?"
"Not at all, I just got here a few minutes ago"
I said with a smile, that of course was a lie i got here 30 minutes early. Enough time to put perfume on and reapply lipgloss.
[Light] "take my hand."
He whispered. I smiled, is he for real. God I am still mad at him. I put my hands on my hips as I furrowed my brows. As I just looked at him angrily.

"I hope you know that I am still mad at you"
I said, and Ryuk just let out a laugh.
[Light] "I already have guessed that much. But c'mon can we put that stuff behind us at the moment"
He said as he put a hand on mine and the other under my chin. I slapped his hand and then turned around, crossing my arms against my chest.
"I still expect you to make it up to me"
I said and then I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders. My back leaning against his chest and his chin on top of my head.

[Light] "okay i'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you but first let's focus on what's to come"
I didn't move and just stood still im his embrace. My brows still furrowed and a pout on my face, as I just nodded.
The bus finally pulling up meaning that i was finally able to get out of this weird embrace move he just had to pull. It made me completely shut down and get nervous.

I sat myself by a window seat, as I waited nervously for the action to start. I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt. It was one of the longest bus rides I had ever taken. My eyes glued on to the window as I anxiously scanned every bus stop we stopped at. Light was sleeping? Or doing something the entire time since his eyes were closed most of the time. There was a point where Light finally noticed me fidgeting with the hem of my skirt. He put his hand over mine to stop me from fidgeting, and then I laid my head against his shoulder.

And that's when I spotted him, I looked down at Light's watch. Right on time, looks like everything is going smoothly so far. I bit my bottom lip, my head still against Light shoulder. My eyes never leaving the man. I took a deep breath in.

[Criminal] "stay in your seats unless you wanna die!"
He said as he pointed a gun at the bus driver. I lifted my head up swiftly my hand going to Light, holding it tight.
[Criminal] "Everybody, shut up! If anybody moves, I'm putting a bullet in their head. Alright, driver, you listen to me. I know you've got the number for Space Land's office on you. Call them!"
[Driver] "okay. This— this is Sasaki, calling from bus 174."
[Criminal] "Tell them what's going on, and no tricks either!"
[Driver] "My bus had been hijacked and he's holding a gun to my head!"

[Criminal] "Gimme that!"
He said as he snatched the phone out of the Driver's hand.
[Criminal] "You heard what he said. Now you listen up! Have a female staff member bring all the Space Land's cash from yesterday. I know it's there. Have her meet us two bus stops from the park. And don't make me wait! If you mess with me at all or try to get the police involved, I swear I'll kill every one of these passengers."
He said before he threw the phone on the ground and smashed it.

Man this is actually scarier than expected, I know he's not gonna hurt anyone but still. I trembled slightly, Light squeezed my hand affirmatively. I turned to look at him as he pulled out a note from his pocket. 'Y/N, don't be scared. As soon as he turns around, I'm gonna grab the gun out of his hand,' it read. That must've been one of the most stupidest things I've ever read.

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