Chapter 2 || Section 1

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I drew on my journal as I listened to the professor read out lines, until he called for Light to resit the next lines. My chin resting on my palm. I looked up as Light stood up from his seat and read the lines. And continued on to get praised by the professor. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I looked back down at my journal.
I sighed relieved once the professor dismissed us. Ryuk poking out his head from underneath my desk but I didn't pay much attention.

[Ryuk] "I thought it'd never end."
Ryuk said as I stood up from my seat, I packed my books into my bag. Turning to look at Light as I swung my bag over my shoulder. He was already looking at me, guessing he was waiting for me to finish.

[Ryuk] "How do you do this every day? It's so boring here"
Ryuk said me and Light both ignoring him. I smiled kinda awkwardly as we both just listened to the Shinigami complain and literally expecting us to reply back to him. He returned the smile and tilted his head slightly at the exit. I nodded and then he turned and started walking away, and I walked close behind.

[Ryuk] "Hey, where're you going?"
I heard Ryuk say as me and Light exited the classroom. I walked close behind Light, and whenever we will walk through big crowds I would hold on to his sleeve. Finally as we exited the building, I let go of his sleeve and just continued to walk close behind him. Ryuk flying right behind us.

[Ryuk] "Hey! Are you listening to me?"
Ryuk said behind us, I looked at Light from the corner of my eye.
[Light] "Don't talk to us. Unlike you, people can still hear us when we talk out loud." Light whispered quietly.
[Ryuk] "heh, well aren't you boring."
Ryuk said causing me to break out a smile. I went to hold onto Light's sleeve as I tried to hide my face. I looked slightly up when I heard someone call out for Light.

[???] "Hey, what's up, Light? -we were just going to head down to the—"
The boy said before I interrupted him as I poked my head from behind Light looking at the boy with a soft smile.
"Sorry boys, he can't today."
I said softly as we walked past them, Light giving them an apologetic smile.

[Ryuk] "You don't have anything to do. Aren't you just gonna go home and hang out in your room, as usual?"
Ryuk said, I shook my head as I looked over my shoulder to look at him and then up at Light.
"What are you talking about? Of course, we have something to do."
Light looked down at me, a smile on his lips. He nodded.
[Light] "Yes, something very important."


I laid on the Lights bed as I watched a news channel on my computer, writing down names on the ripped pages of the Death Note I had. Light at his desk writing names down as he watched a different news channel on his TV. I swinged my legs behind me, humming as I continued to write names down. Ryuk sitting on the floor where I have laid out a blanket for him, as he ate an apple. I swear he's like having a pet animal.

[Ryuk] "Mm. Hey."
He said as he took a bite of an apple, I looked at him from the corner of my eye. But then I looked back down at my computer.
[Ryuk] "I'm talking to you."

[Light] "what is it?"
Me and Light said at the same time. I smiled softly at the realization of us being in complete sync. I looked up from my computer and he just kept focus on writing names. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my computer. Why does he always have to be so serious.

[Ryuk] "why you working so hard?"
I looked at Ryuk from the corner of my eye. Even like an animal he's very stupid. I shook my head as I continued to write names down on the pieces of paper.

[Ligh] he sighs "I can't afford to waste any time. We have a very small window to write names down. We only have from when we get home from school until Y/N goes home and I go to bed. We still need to sleep so we can maintain our average and stay at the top of our classes or in Y/N case stay good in her classes. Obviously, we can't be sleeping in class."
Light explained, I've never really realized it but Light talks a lot. I then groan remembering about cram school.

"And not to mention all the studying we need to do and cram school"
I pouted as I flopped my head into the covers, Light smirked as he looked at me from the corner of his eye and then he looked back down at the notebook going back to his serious expression.

[Light] "we can't let ourselves get too tired, alright. It will start to affect our health and mental performance."
[Light] "If I'm serious about trying to create an ideal world, that's free from evil then we need to make the most of our time."
He finished as we heard the door knob. Both our heads snapping to look at the door. Then we heard a voice.

"Huh? Weird. Hey, Light, what's going on? Why is your door locked?
I looked at the door curiously until I recognized who it was. I rested my chin on my palm as I turned to look at Light with brows raised.

[Light] "It's Sayu. What is it?"
[Sayu] "Can you help me with my homework?
[Light] "Uh, yeah. Okay."
Light said as he stood up putting away the notebook in a drawer. I hang of the bed to reach my bag, putting the pieces of paper in a folder. And then I sat back on the bed putting my computer on my lap, pulling up another tab. As he went to open the door. Sayu immediately raised her notebook has she spoke.

[Sayu] "We're doing quadratic equations in math."
She stepped inside and saw that I was in the room.
[Sayu] "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything"
I waved her off.
"Your okay, we were just studying for the upcoming exams"
I gave her a reassuring smile and she returned it.
[Sayu] "i'm just like the only person in my class who doesn't get this stuff. Thanks so much!"
[Light] "No problem"
Light said as he followed Sayu to his desk where she already say herself down. I got up from the bed to join them as well wanting to lend a helping hand.

[Ryuk] "I'd be careful if I were you. If anyone else touches that notebook you have hidden in the drawer right now, they'll be able to see me too."
Me and Light freeze, we probably looked like we've seen a ghost. Me and Light both looking at each other a slight panic being shown in our face. Damn Shinigami, thing like this should be said before.

[Sayu] "What's wrong! Are you alright?"
Sayu said as she looked up at me and Light curiously.
[Light] "Hm? It's nothing"
Light said as I gave Sayu a smile. Light stepping closer to her
[Light] "So, what exactly don't you understand? What are stuck on?"
Light said changing the subject, I leaned onto the desk as I looked down at Sayu's notebook the same smile as before still on my lips.
[Sayu] "Um... well... I think all of it."
Sayu said, Light letting out a low groan making me let out a stiffle laugh.

"Don't worry Sayu we'll walk you through it, don't mind him" I said as I put a hand on Light face shoving him away, he stumbled back slightly. And then slapped my hand away from his face.

 And then slapped my hand away from his face

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