Unexpected Alliances!

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The next day...

"Mmm... hmm...", Kyra.

I feel my eyelids start to open. Waking up, I try to gather my surroundings to see where I am.

"Hm? This is... my motel room? But how did I end up here?", Kyra.

*(!) I believe I can answer that. (!)*

"Ah! Oh, it's you, Herald.", Kyra.

*(!) Yes, who did you think I was? (!)*

"Nevermind that. Tell me what happened.", Kyra.

*(!) Well first, what was the last thing you remember? (!)*

"Hmm. The last thing was... That's right, I was trying to get Zale and I out of the subway station. Wait, speaking of which, where is he? What happened to him?", Kyra.

*(!) Calm down, Kyra. I can explain it from here.

Shortly after you lost consciousness, one of Marik's men rescued you two out of the entry vent. After leaving you with a locator card and Zale's rare card, he picked up Zale and left. (!)*

"Huh. So Zale is gone then.", Kyra.

*(!) There is more to this story. For you see, an unexpected arrival happened shortly after they left. It was none other than... Seto Kaiba. (!)*

"!!! Kaiba was there!?", Kyra.

*(!) Yes, and you still didn't come to when he came. So he ended up bringing you here. (!)*

"Huh?! You mean he brought me here himself? Why would he do that? Knowing him, he would've just brought me to a Kaiba Corp facility like last time.", Kyra.

*(!) I'm afraid I don't have that answer. But as he was leaving with you, he called his company into looking to where you were staying. (!)*

"I see...", Kyra.

Still confused as to why he would bother with that, I see something odd. I look down to the clothes I'm wearing.

"Wait, this isn't the clothes I was wearing yesterday. !!", Kyra.

As I thought about it, a thought came into mind. As it did, my face started to feel hot as to how I changed clothes. The clothes I was now wearing was a pale blue tank crop top and navy blue silk pants.

*(!) I can assure you, it's not what your thinking. (!)*

"...Are you sure?!", Kyra.

*(!) Yes, as I was witnessing it from your deck, after he brought you here he had the front desk to look after you. Including getting you out of your wet clothes. (!)*

"The front desk? He talked with the lady? And she was ok with it?", Kyra.

*(!) Mhm. There talk was short and she understood what he asked. (!)*

"Hm? What did they talk about?", Kyra.

*(!) I couldn't hear clear enough to hear the details but it looked like it was in good terms. But after they did he brought you to your room, and she took it from there. (!)*

"......", Kyra.

I look over to my night stand and saw my duel disk set aside. I noticed something clear underneath the disk and grabbed a hold of them. It was my locator cards and it seems now I have four. I also noticed I had a card that I don't remember having before.

*(!) Silent Abyss, Zale's card... It must be the rare card I acquired from winning our duel, but I don't recall him giving it to me. Come to think of it, I don't think we have had the time to do so. (!)*

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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