Near-End Crisis!

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"About time, Yugi.", Tea.  "Sorry, Tea.", Yugi.  "Were gonna be late for the big game.  What took you so long?", Tea.  "Uhh... I was talking to the spirit of the millennium puzzle.  He seems kind of worried.", Yugi.  "About what?", Tea.  "About the future, I think.  He said something about our destiny... being unclear.  Ever since we defeated Pegasus together, the spirit's been talking about fate, like there's something more he has to do.  When you think about it, he doesn't know that much about himself.  Like where he came from, why's he's here?", Yugi.  

*(!) Although, even though he won't talk about it.  I can tell he's also worried about Kyra being missing.  It's been a couple weeks, and still no sign of her.  The school is still keeping an eye out, but they still got no leads.  He's worried about fate, but I think he's more worried about her because it holds something to her as well.  Especially since she too has a millennium item. (!)*

"But I'm babbling and were late, we should go.", Yugi.  "Huh?  Oh right.  The soccer game, we definitely don't want to miss it.  See you, Mr. Mutou.", Tea.  "Bye, grandpa.  We'll see you later.", Yugi.

"Enjoy yourselves, you two.  If the game ends early, feel free to come back and help me sweep.", Solomon.

"Mind if I help then?", ???

Solomon turns around and sees an unexpected visitor.

I showed up right when Yugi and Tea were leaving. I made sure to wear a hoodie in public incase I need to hide.

"Oh!  I haven't seen you in a while, Kyra.", Solomon.

"Yes, I was passing by.  But I really can help you sweep if you wish.", Kyra.

"Great then.", Solomon.

He handed me a spare broom from inside, and we swept for a bit.

As for the last two weeks, I've been holing myself up in different motels, and only eating out of different convenient stores when the time was necessary.  As I did, I would keep awake as much as possible to try stay on guard incase any of Marik's men would come around again.  It was rough to keep up on, and I barely got a few hours of sleep a day.  But when a couple weeks went by and nothing happened from his men or him sending more messages, I decided to finally see what was happening in the outside world.

Although it was mostly to check on everyone and see if Marik did anything to them.  Yugi was the first person I wanted to check on, but I hesitated when he came out the front door.  I wanted to show myself to them, but I knew they would bombard me with loads of questions I wouldn't be able to answer to them.  Which is why I decided to reveal myself to Solomon after Yugi left.  

"I thank you for the help, Kyra.  Now, come inside and I'll make us some drinks.", Solomon.

I followed Solomon inside after putting the brooms down.  We went upstairs and sat in the living room for a little chat.

"So, Kyra, I hear you have been missing for awhile now.", Solomon.  "Huh?  But how'd you--", Kyra.  "Yugi told me after he and his friends found the state of your apartment.  There very worried about you y'know.", Solomon.  "Then why didn't you say anything when I showed up, or called for Yugi when you saw me?", Kyra.  "......  I thought about doing so, but I figured you must have your reasons.", Solomon.

I couldn't come up with a response to that.  I just fiddled with my mug as it's all I could do.

"That expression of yours tells me I'm right.  And because I know that, I know Yugi and his friends will understand when your ready to tell them yourself.", Solomon.  "Really?", Kyra.  "Yes, because Yugi trusts his friends.", Solomon.

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