Unforeseen Secrets of the Past!

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It's been a couple days since the day of the fire, and I've still been in hiding.  But today I wasn't in the mood to particularly stay cooped up, and decided to come by a bar that was more in the center of Domino City.  But I still had a hoodie on, just to be safe.

I may have the appearance of a 16 year old, but I'm much older than I seem to be.  So having a drink with a fake passable identification method every few centuries doesn't hurt.

But even though I just ordered one drink, I just can't seem to drink it.  Instead I'm just deep in my thoughts as I move my index finger across the tip of the glass.

*(!) I still can't forget that feeling when the millennium puzzle shattered.  It made me think I lost him forever since his soul is bound to the puzzle.  It still haunts me, even now, thinking that me being alive for all these years would've been for nothing in less than one second.  It's a relief now that the puzzle is fixed, but it still makes me wary of how truly vulnerable the millennium puzzle is, being made out of a dozen or so pieces. (!)*

Such chilling thoughts made my finger tremble against the glass, even the glass was echoing the same effect from my fingertip.

"In today's news, at Domino's Museum, Ishizu Ishtar of the Historical Society announced the opening of her highly anticipated Egyptian exhibit.", News Broadcaster.

I heard the TV from behind the bar as it caught my attention when it spoke about an Egyptian Exhibit.

"Excuse me.  Can you turn it up, please?", Kyra.  "Sure thing, miss.", Bartender.

The bartender grabbed the remote and turned up the volume and I could hear the person on the screen clearly.  And I knew her, from a long time ago.

*(!) Ishizu. (!)*

"Game fans are especially invited.  This world premiere showcases newly discovered and never before seen artifacts chronically in the history of Egyptian games.  In ancient times, games were not played just for fun as they are today but everyone from princes to peasants waged dueling games against each other for land, wealth, but especially for power.  These games were epic battles.  I have unearthed relics that suggest the Great Pharaoh himself may have competed in a game against a force that threatened to destroy the entire world.  Of course, this is still speculation, and further studying needs to be done.", Ishizu.

*(!) So she's in town, and brought over ancient Egyptian relics from Egypt.  Well, if she's here, then there's no doubt that her brother will soon come here.  Which means the prophecy may come to pass, and history will repeat itself.

I tried most of my life in the last few thousand years to never go back to Egypt.  But there was one time...  When I thought it was forgotten, when I thought it was safe after all these years, and it was also when I thought it was ok to return home. (!)*

"I'm personally inviting Seto Kaiba to this evening's private exhibition.  I promise what he will witness will change his life forever.", Ishizu.

"What?!", Kyra.

*(!) Inviting Seto?  But why?  Why would she show him some ancient artifacts from Egypt in private?  Unless she's...


No, she wouldn't...!  She couldn't possibly be thinking to show him the ancient stone carvings?!

Ishizu, what are you up to? (!)*

~Seto POV~

"We're here, sir.", Driver.

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