Master of the Sea Serpents Part 2!

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~Seto POV~

~Kaiba Corp Headquarters~

"Yugi still hasn't reappeared on our duelist tracking screen.  His duel disk won't operate unless it has a connection into Kaiba Corporation's Tournament computer or another compatible system.  So, Mokuba, if Yugi is dueling someone who doesn't want me watching.  They must be battling in a secret location that has it's own computer dueling system.  Search for every computer network in Battle City that is compatible with Kaiba Corporation's dueling system, and make it snappy!", Kaiba.

"Right.", Female Employees.

"Isolate any systems that refuse to identify themselves to our network.", Kaiba.  "I'll hit the streets.  Just radio me when you find them.", Mokuba.

Mokuba leaves past the doors.

~Kyra POV~

Kyra 100/ Zale 4000

"Well, looks like it won't be much trouble defeating you at this rate.", Zale.

The chain may have pulled me closer to the edge, but there was still some leeway from the chain that I was able to get back up on my feet.

"This duel... isn't over yet.", Kyra. "Then make your move.", Zale.

*(!) I have nothing in my hand that can save me now. One card that could help me is Lightpulsar, but I don't have a light monster in my hand to summon him from the graveyard. Please, don't let this be over... (!)*

As I draw my next card...

"Ah, yes!", Kyra. "Hm.", Zale.

*(!) It's Prime Material Dragon! This will do the trick. (!)*

"I send two monsters from my hand to the graveyard to bring back a special monster. By sending Hunter Dragon and Prime Material Dragon, I summon... Lightpulsar Dragon!", Kyra.

The light erupting from my graveyard brought out it's entrance to the field. With it's light alone, this place didn't even look abandoned as it did before.

"And that's not all, Lightpulsar Dragon, attack Codarus! Solar Twilight!", Kyra.

With Lightpulsar light beam attack, Codarus was evaporated within it's light.

Kyra 100/ Zale 3300

Zale was unphased by the attack and the loss of life points. He kept his composure still.

"I'll end my turn with a face down.", Kyra. "Very well then. I'll start by bringing back my field spell, A Legendary Ocean. Then I'll place two face downs, ending my turn.", Zale.

*(!) He just played a defense monster face down and a face down in the back row. Whatever it is, I can't attack carelessly. (!)*

"I summon Lady of D.! When she's on the field, you can't attack my dragons without getting to her first. With that, I'll end my turn.", Kyra. "My, that was a disappointment. Can't duel properly with really low life points, huh?", Zale. "Grr...", Kyra. "No matter, regardless if you made a move or not, I'll still activate my trap. Gravity Bind!", Zale. "No, not Gravity Bind!", Kyra. "Yes, and since you seem to know what this card does, it saves me the time to explain. And with that, go, Sea Serpent Warrior, attack her Lady of D. now! Tidal Strike!", Zale. "What? But how can you attack when Gravity Bind is in effect? Your monster is level 4 and level 4 or higher monsters can't attack. Unless...", Kyra. "Heh heh. Yes, because of my Legendary Ocean, all water monsters on the field and in hand for both players lose one level. Which means your Lady of D. isn't in a good spot.", Zale. "That's what you think. I activate my trap, Mirror Force!", Kyra.

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