Master of the Sea-Serpents Part 1!

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The crowd wasn't easy to get away from the last duel, but luckily no one saw that I was one of the duelists.  Soon after, I ran into a couple more Rare Hunters on the hunt for some duelists waiting around and won their locator cards.  Now I have three, and three more to go.

*(!) If only I could duel my way through the tournament like this.  But I know Kaiba's watching, and even with this many players, it won't be hard for him to track me down and duel me personally as he said he would. (!)*


I felt a shaking disturbance in my heart, or more like my millennium heart.  The next thing I see is a single lightning strike a few blocks from me.  In that instance, I thought I saw a monster for a split second.  A monster I haven't seen in over five thousand years, but this wasn't any ordinary monster...  The power from it was so immense my hand started to tremble.

"Obelisk... the Tormentor?  So it is true then.", Kyra.

*(!) I thought it was just a rumor that Pegasus had created them but clearly I was mistaken.  I need to be wary of whoever possesses that card because it won't be the duel that I need to worry about.  Even as just a card, it's not enough to limit it's godly powers and the destruction it could bring.

But if Obelisk is here, than that means the other two are likely close by. (!)*


~Marik POV~

"Hm, so Obelisk the Tormentor has been played?", Marik.  "Yes.  Moments ago in Battle City, Marik, we've identified the card's owner.  Seto Kaiba.", Right-hand Rare Hunter.  "Hmhmhm.  Of course.", Marik.

"How did you know sir?", Rare Hunter A.

"It's quite simple.  Ishizu conspires against me, she gave Kaiba that card to stop me.  Now were both after the cards.", Marik.

*(!) I should've known Ishizu was behind this whole tournament.  She's been trying to stand in my way ever since I decided to take what was rightfully mine.

The thought of that brought back the memory when she confronted me after obtaining the Egyptian God Card, Ra.

Hmm, I know my sister gave the third Egyptian God Card to Seto Kaiba.  She used her millennium necklace to foresee the events of Battle City.  Ishizu knew if she gave Obelisk the Tormentor to Kaiba, he'd throw a tournament out of greed to obtain the other Egyptian God cards.  But Kaiba has little understanding of their true strength and once I have them all the power of the pharaoh will be mine.  However, first, I need to weaken the pharaoh, prepare him for the day I take my ultimate prize.  Ha ha ha!  (!)*

"Sir, shall I order a team of Rare Hunters to pay Kaiba a little visit?", Rare Hunter A.

"No, leave Kaiba to his games.", Marik.

*(!) I have a more important task to tend to first. (!)*

"Dispatch Arcana to take down Yugi Mutuo.  And send Zale to reel in Kyra.", Marik.

"Yes, sir.", Rare Hunters.

*(!) In order for my plan to win against the pharaoh succeeds, I need to make sure Kyra won't get in the way. (!)*


A week before the tournament...

*(!) "Everything is set.", Zale.

"Are you sure?", Marik.

"Yes, everyone you ordered is registered in the database of the Battle City tournament.", Zale.

Yu-Gi-Oh: The Heart of a Millennium - S2: Battle City!Where stories live. Discover now