Mirabel's Last Wish Of A Sweetheart Bodypillow

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After moon baby finishes the rules, Mother Pomskillzy says "I even learnt how to play baseball and yet I still haven't learnt how to make yogurt! Rest in peace Professor Prismatic Shard

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After moon baby finishes the rules, Mother Pomskillzy says "I even learnt how to play baseball and yet I still haven't learnt how to make yogurt! Rest in peace Professor Prismatic Shard.."

They start their game.

But in the distance, something calls Vigil. He squints to the horizon and is so distracted he misses the ball!

"HA!" the Gang(tm) score and vIGIL HAS LOST HIS DIGNITY!

"Now!" says Sasha (whose having a bad hair day, but she'd still slay- Eja) "Tell us all you know about Jeremy Williams.!"


Eja understands completely, in her giant tutu. "That's fair, not unfair. What were you distracted by?"

Vigil lights up and gestures wildly towards the coffee shop that looks abandoned.

"This.. its calling me! Like an Alexa! Bravo!" He turns to his pack and Penance. "Don't you think we've been rolling these balls for too long? Been.. practising violence on these balls for too long? I think it's time we change, we need to wake up from this daydream! Its our daydreamm! But this is the reality. yes, anywhere we go, we'll miss it, but we need to move on... will you sing along to all my bittersweet goals?"

Provonce frowns. "But what are we gonna do? We'd have no dignity! I mean, come on, we'd be quitting in front of our biggest fan, Mother... P something."

Mother Plumskilly starts crying while doing the Rick Astley dance. "But I thought you'd never give me up! Never let me down, Never run around and desert me!"

But then, she stops. Lee Arknights jumps on her shoulder and says, "But Mother, think the CAFFEINE. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. THE CHILDREN OF UR SUS. They can't survive without this pack's coffee! I mean, everyone is ... wah, WAUUUGGGHHH, a can of AEROSOL!!! WAHHH.. so... how are the gonna get their coffee now?"

"Everybody is an aerosol can. How the fuck are they gonna drink coffee?" she says harshly.

Lee withers away and shrivels up and retreats back into Sasha's pocket. Again.

Penance slams Desk-kun in fury. "OBJECTION! I need coffee! Holy shit I've needed anything more right now in my life! I've been trapped in this purgatory of green grass and furries sniffing grass and bald furries. I NEED A RELEASE. And also, WE have survived! We need caffeine! If I can't have drugs then I'll at least have coffee!"

Everyone is stunned and moved by her moving speech. They all pack up and move into the coffee shop.

Just like in those Housescape ads, they fix it up to look like those coffee-jazz background music videos and its BEAUTIFUL.

Desk-kun suggests makingg it their base of operation. "Watashi means, watashi thinks that this would be the PERFECT place to call home!"

Eja objects in her giant tutu, inspired from Penance. "But what about Leancloth?"

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