Wings are Coming out of my Fucking Heart! Fucking Help Me!

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"Did anybody hear that?" said Mother PYourMom

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"Did anybody hear that?" said Mother PYourMom.

"It sounded like... like a .. A MIRACLE!!!!" exclaimed Sasha (who was a hair having a human the hair was also bad).

"A MIRACLE?!" said everyone, seductively.

"I don't believe in miracles anymore!" screamed the Lee in Sasha's pocket.

"Shut up." said Goldenglue, one of Eja's sheep. "We're sick and tired of you always mentally breaking down. Show some fucking respect for yourself Jesus fucking christ. Although there's darkness all around there's happiness yet to be found."

Lee Arknights wrinkles up withers away into Sasha's pocket after that.

The train rockets along the tracks towards international countries. Why? IDK figure it out yourself lmao (keep reading!!!)

Along the way, Mother Pskilly makes a delicious lunch for everyone. This time, its fried paracetemol.

Jacqueline, ever the food critic, flings it onto the tracks along with the discarded human souls, and says "What is this?! Make some real food! Mamma Mia!!" (Italian action)Eja tries to calm her down by making some REAL food. She sautées some kimchi, because that's how you cook kimchi.

After that, the smart sheep (mangled hooves) called David, asked a serious question. "Where are we actually going anyway?"

Everybody gasps. they didn't think about this, they were just so focused on defending themselves from the internet and the aerosol cans. Mother Ppaammsskkiillyy turns to the others and slams the table.

"To Japan! I hope they have subtitles..."

"Its okay." says David, "I will translate for you all! Onii-san kawaii desu ka?"

5 hours later, the group arrives in Japan. The country of girls, school and schoolgirls. and sushi. They hop off the train and wave goodbye to Jacqueline Houston Houstaying in the train.

'WAIT", says Sasha as she pulls the Lee from her pocket out her pocket. "He's too cute and not in a good mental state. He'll be diddled. Leave him here with Jacqueline." Sasha leaves a less-withered-but-still-distressed Lee on the train and hops off to join the others.

The city is filled with bright, cute, adorable and bright lights. But.. no one was around. Sasha bumps into something while she's walking and looks down. She gasps.

"Japan has already been... ARESEOFIED?"

Everybody looks around in horror as they see mountains of cans roll towards the extensive drainage system of Japan. The channels once filled with koi fish are now instead filled with aerosol cans of soya sauce and wasabi. They're packaging around the cans are dark and dramatic. Just like an outfit for your parents' funeral where although they personally slew their own enemy, there is no hint of joy in their hearts. There are still drains they need to roll down, and no wings coming out of their hearts to stop their fall. 

Nearby, Eja sees a recently abandoned high school, with cans rolling out the windows in search for a drain. She floats over to the school and tells the gang to follow her. They peer through the windows and see a lone desk, surrounded by other identical desks. But there was something different.. something alluring.. something... magical about this one. The group walk into the school and get out in the hallways, but the allure of that desk always brings them closer to their goal...

Eventually, they find it. The classroom with the desk in it. They slowly saunter towards it, trying to appear cool when suddenly it starts speaking!

"EHHHHHH??! Nani are you? oh! You.. You noticed me senpais!!!!"

"You can fucking talk?" says Sasha (who's having a day worse made by her hair).

"Eh, why shouldn't watashi be able to? Watashi wa... Desk-kun! Pronounced DesuK-kun because I'm a desk."

"But how are you sentient?" says Eja/

Gasping, David yodels "They can be deskilled too?!??!"

"とんでもない". says Mother PlumeArknights.

Everybody turns to her confused, including Desk-kun. "eh?" they say cutely.

"私たちは日本にいるので日本語を話します!" She turns towards Desk-kun. "デスク君が私のことを理解できないことに驚いています"

"What." says Sasha (who was having a confusing and bad hair day), "I didn't know you could speak Japanese momma."

Mother PenguinLogistics shrugs. "もちろん私は日本語を話せます、私の愛する子、サシャは常に髪の悪い日があり、それが私の気分を台無しにし、私の日々を台無しにします、なぜ私はあなたを持っていたのですか、精神的に衰弱していても、あなたを中絶するべきだった、愚かなクソ野郎、リー・アークナイツとリー君よりずっといいよ、がっかりしたよ。"

Sasha (having an even more confusing hair day) nods slowly. "Sure."

The group turn back towards Desk-kun. "Well, what are we gonna do now, bakas?" says Desk-kun. 

"Well, why are you here?"

"You see," (sakura petals begin to fall), "Watashi am a desk. An average desuku, but with a golden and wooden kokoro. Like any other being of Japan UWU, I watched anime. However, the more I watched, the more I realised that we are always overshadowed by the girls! I just felt so overlooked.. We are also beings! We have potential too! Like, there's so much reincarnation but never a kawaii, wholesome one about turning into a desk! A desk main character! Like me! I know we can't move, walk, eat, talk (except me haha!), but we still have potential yet to be realised. So I will seek equality! For all desks! For mina-san!!"

"Alright you're hired." says David.

Author's Notes

Hey StacyGaymers! StacyGaymin here! Sorry for the one day late, but it was an even better chapter this time!!! The title was inspired from my mom's death (rip). She was born in 5, 5 2005 from ligma :( then she died from the womb :). Anyway, since wings came out of her heart and she lost all the blood circulation in her body, collapsed and lost all hope of revival, I dedicate this chapter to her!!

Desk-kun, watching an anime: Wow, this is so racist!

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