Chapter 7

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Later the day, we see Izuku and Y/N walking on the walkway of UA.

Y/N: Man, lots of different quirks here, huh? Sure makes you wanna try to fight them, right Izu?

He turns around and sees that Izuku was trying to calm his nerves, as he takes a step ahead.

And falls.

Y/N tries to grab the boy, but before he could, Izuku starts to... Float?

We see a girl was standing beside Izuku.

???: Sorry for using my quirk on you. I should have asked for permission, but you seemed to be falling. It'd be bad if you fell on your way, right?

The boy stood speechless as he kept staring at the girl.

Y/N: *grabbing Izuku* Thanks for that, umm...

Ochaco: Uraraka. Ochaco Uraraka.

Y/N: Thanks for that, Uraraka.

Ochaco: It's okay, but isn't this kinda nerve-wrecking? Well, good luck at the exam. See ya.

Izuku kept staring at her as she walked away.

Izuku: Holy crap, I just talked to a girl!

Y/N looks back at Izuku, as his eyes widen.

He snaps his neck back at Ochaco, who was walking away.

He then looks at Izuku.

Then at Ochaco.

Y/N: *smirking* Hehe...

Izuku: *confused* What "hehe"?

Y/N: *smirking* Nothing.

He pats Izuku on the head.

Y/N: I'm just glad to see you grow up.

Izuku: Umm... We're almost the same age.

Y/N: I feel proud for some reason. Anyways, let's get go-

Bakugo: Get out of the way, or I'll kill you!

Y/N: *groaning* Of course he shows up now...

Izuku started to ramble, as Bakugo just walked past them...

Murmers of Bakugo being the kid who was attacked by the sludge villain started to spread, audible to the Aldera trio.

Y/N: For now, let's go in and get that admission letter for both of us, yeah?

Izuku smiles and nods.

Izuku: Let's go!

Y/N: And maybe you'll get to see that girl again. She was cute.

Izuku's face goes red as he snaps his neck towards Y/N.

Izuku: What do you mean by that?!

Y/N: Nothin'

He starts to walk ahead with Izuku as they enter the UA facility.


The written exams went nicely for Y/N and Izuku, although, Y/N was damn sure that Izu scored more than him there.

And so, the introduction for the practical exam began.

The two, along with Bakugo, made their way to the auditorium for the introduction.

The two get seated as they see Present Mic, a famous Pro hero walk up to the podium.


Utter silence. That was what followed the man's small speech.

Seeing that the crowd was not really interactive, he decided to give the candidates a basic run down of things. The candidates were seperated in groups, which would go to various training arenas.

Y/N looks at his card, and sees that his battle centre was C, while Izuku's was B and Bakugo's was A.

Mic then continued. There were 3 types of pseudo-villains, 1 pointer, 2 pointer and 3 pointer. The candidates were given 10 minutes to destroy as many villains as they could.

Everything is going smoothly, right?

A bit too smoothly, some might say.

???: I have a question!

Mic: Okay!

???: On the imprint, there are four types of villains! If this is a mistake! Then this can be critical for UA's reputation! And added to that, you! The one with the green unkempt hair!

He points at Izuku.

???: You've been muttering nonstop this whole time! Stop doing that!

Y/N: You know, if you would've kept quiet and listened to the man there, he was gonna come to the fourth villain sooner or later. And then, about Izu's muttering, it's something he does to calm himself down. Pointing it out like that, in front of everyone nonetheless, will not only make him feel awkward, it might also hinder his performance in the exam. Seeing you, you're all about rules and stuff, so what you just did, was the complete opposite of what a real sportsperson should do. Are you really trying to pass by sabotaging the competition?

???: I... Uh... Um... But.. no... That's...

He starts to shout.

???: I apologize for my behavior! Kindly pardon my insolence!

Y/N: Not to me.

He signals towards Izuku.

Y/N: To him.

???: R-Right. Sorry for my behavior!

Izuku: *panicking* No no no no no! It's alright!

Mic then tells everyone that the fourth villain was a zero pointer. One in each battlefield. Although, the candidates were told to avoid the villain the moment they encountered it as it would be a waste of time.

Mic: That's it for now. Finally, I'll bestow the school's motto onto you. The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said. "True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life." Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!! So I wish all of you the best of luck.


We see Y/N and Izuku walking to their buses.

Y/N: We both have taken the first step, Izu. Now it's time for you to show everyone what you're made of. Go break a leg, or in this case, robot leg, 'kay?

Izuku: *nervously* Um... Yeah.. I... Yeah...

Y/N puts his hands on Izuku's shoulders.

Y/N: Izu, you got this, okay?

Izuku: I...

Y/N: You. Got this. Okay?

Izuku: I... I got this...

Y/N: Again.

Izuku: I got this.

Y/N: With confidence.

Izuku: I got this!

Y/N: Good. Now remember. Do what you think is the right thing. Don't try to copy others. Be yourself. Be the boy that ran out there knowing he couldn't do a damn thing, just to save a guy who didn't even give a damn about him. Why? Because it was the right thing to do. Got that?

Izuku nods, as Y/N smiles and pats his back.

Y/N: Well, ready?

Izuku nods, with a bit of confidence.

Y/N: Good. Now let's get going.

A/N: Chapter 7 done! Hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


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