Chapter 16

254 14 76

A/N: I'm super bored, so here y'all go.


We see Mineta, Tsu and Izuku standing on a boat, while multiple villains surround them.

Mineta: How the hell are you gonna fight them, idiot?! Don't act like your brother at a time like this! They said they can kill All Might! You're really not making any sense!

We see Mineta scared while Izuku and Tsu kept looking outside at the villains.

Mineta: We should just stay here and wait for All Might to arrive!

Izuku: Mineta, these guys down there are expecting a fight in water, aren't they?

Mineta: Don't ignore me!

Tsu: Does this mean that they chose their members with the facility in mind?

Izuku: Yes. They got all this information and prepared so carefully, yet something is strange. It doesn't make sense if they sent Asui-

Tsu looks at Izuku.

Izuku: *nervous* Tsu-chan! To this water zone!

Tsu: There's no need to rush it.

Izuku: Really?!

Mineta: Oi...! Just what are you saying?!

Izuku: I'm saying, it's most probable that the villains don't know our quirks!

Tsu: *surprised* Kero!

She looks to the side as she sees the fire-based zone.

Tsu: It makes sense. If they knew I am a frog, they would've sent me to the Fire Zone.

Izuku: They don't know our quirks, so they scattered us and planned on attacking us with numbers. For some newbies like us, there one way to win! Keep our quirks unknown to them!

Izuku: They're not climbing the boat, that just solidifies my theory! But that means there not taking us lightly either. Think... What would Y/N do...? What would Kacchan do in a situation like this...?

Tsu: Let me explain my quirk. I can jump very high. I can stick to walls. I can extend my tongue up to 20 metres. I can also take out my stomach and wash it. I secrete a toxic mucus which only stings a little.

Mineta was in deep thinking.

Izuku: As I thought, you're strong. My quirk is super strength, but I break myself everytime I use it. It's like a double edged sword

He looks up at Izuku.

Mineta: My quirk is super sticky. On a good day, they can stick for a whole day. Its stickiness depends on how I'm feeling. It doesn't stick to me though, it just bounces off.

He takes his slingshot in his hand.

Mineta: Midoriya helped me recreate my costume to suit my skills more, but even then, I don't see how my quirk can be applicable in battle.

A watermade hand suddenly emerges from... Well, the water, as it hits the boat and it starts to sink.

Y/N: Mineta, tell me something. Why are you here? Why do you wanna be a hero?

Mineta: ...Damnit!

He runs up to the edge and starts to shoot his spheres in the water.

He then sees that the villains were pushing the balls away.

Mineta: Just as I expected! Midoriya! Look!

Izuku peeps out and sees what was happening.

Izuku: The moment when the villain is sure of their victory. That's our chance to strike. That's what all might said on a TV show once.

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