My Fake Boyfriend

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Authors Note: 

A lot of people have said something about a fake relationship OS and I really love that idea, so we're going for it!

No smut in this one, sorry! There might have been if it didn't take so long to write. 

This beast is almost 20k words. I'm really glad I took my time, because I really wanted this to be good. 

So I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry it took SO long.

Don't be afraid to comment your ideas as I love hearing them and usually work to incorperate them somehow in my one shots.


Sam and Colby were in Colby's car, Sam at the wheel, driving back to Kansas to spend time with their families

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Sam and Colby were in Colby's car, Sam at the wheel, driving back to Kansas to spend time with their families. 

There wasn't really any special reason, they were just a little homesick, and their parents had been badgering them about a visit back home for months and months. 

Finally, after a lot of mother guilt trips and a break in their schedules, they decided to go back home. 

"Remind me why we had to drive to Kansas instead of flying?" Sam asked, a little perturbed that he wasn't sitting in a first class cabin right now.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something before we get to Kansas and I didn't think a plane was the place to do it." Colby said, seeming as if he was nervous about something, fiddling with the strings on his sweater.

To tell the truth, he was. His mother had been giving him shit for a long time about being a single man and kept trying to get him to settle down so he could be happy. He was pretty sure it was because she wanted him to get married and have babies for her to spoil, but she would never really admit it outwardly to him. 

Colby was getting kind of tired of having the same conversation with her when he came home and even on the phone. 

When was he getting married?

Did he have any prospects?

Why didn't he stop fooling around with these girl's hearts and settle down? 

Was she ever going to have grandbabies before she died?

Each question made him roll his eyes more and more until he was sure they were going to roll right out of his eye sockets.

He liked being single and having the freedom to do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted.

It felt better for him to have that freedom than it did to seek someone out in the chaotic dating world just to try to make a go of it. There was never any guarantee that it would work anyway and then he would just get hurt again.

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