Anything for You

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Authors Notes: 

At the request of a very nice person, I felt like writing some protective Colby!

This male antagonist is a character i've just made up, though they're referenced to have a previous platonic relationship with Sam and Colby. They're not meant to represent anyone, but well, if the shoe fits and all that. :)

I made two photos for this one because they represent both the angst and the protectiveness of Colby in this one.



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Falling in love with your best friend was a funny thing. Gradual in its nature.

It was a bit like a slow building thunderstorm. A pressure building up inside you, rumbling low like thunder, and then the first strike of lightning spreads across the sky.

Then you know

 It makes itself known in the loudest, brightest way possible and from then on, its unavoidable. 

However unlike a storm, these feelings don't clear up in an hour or even a day. Not even a few days. They stick around and grow, taking root on the inside of your body like a blooming flower.

It hit Colby like a train when Sam had disappeared from their champing trip in the church in the UK.

It may have seemed as if he maintained his composure while on camera asking Sam what the hell he was doing and telling him not to go alone, but it was one of the first times he'd woken up and the blonde boy wasn't where he was supposed to be.

It had sent panic shooting through his body. He felt like shaking the living daylights out of Sam, but he'd ended up humoring his best friend after he'd been adamant that he go outside to check the property.

It was fucking freezing cold and he was shaking as he held the camera, following Sam around the graveyard. It was then that the first intrusive thought had entered his mind.

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