Merry Christmas!

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Authors Notes: 

I am feeling so much better than I was and being that its almost Christmas, I needed to write a cute little Sam and Colby fic. Also, I saw this picture of Sam, the one I used in my edit, and he looks sofreakingsoft. So I had to use it to inspire myself.

Also, I like crossing universes as you can tell so you'll see a lot of S&C in my Jake/Johnnie one-shots and vice versa. I think it makes it more fun!

For being such amazing people who are consistent in reading and complimenting my content as well as voting for it, this is my gift for you.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. (If you celebrate Christmas, otherwise, I hope you're feeling well and have a lovely holiday!)



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Colby was absolutely losing it.

It was the day before Christmas and he'd been going back and forth about what exactly to get Sam. 

It was their first Christmas as a couple and he really didn't want to fuck this up.

He knew, of course, that Sam would love whatever he got him, but it felt different now. Now that the blonde was his boyfriend instead of his best friend, Colby felt like the present he got him needed to be a little bit deeper in meaning. Of course, he had no ideas for that at all.

He'd gone back and forth over items that Sam had mentioned in passing, but nothing seemed right. Nothing seemed to mean something more than just material.

That's how he ended up on this stupid fucking street, going in and out of stores in Los Angeles with Jake trying to find something that was perfect for his boyfriend. 

Jake had also been doing some last minute shopping for people in his life, namely Johnnie, who he'd recently begun dating, much to the surprise of him and Sam. Far be it for them to judge though, since they'd surprised people with the announcement of their relationship just a year prior.

"Dude, I think you're overthinking this." Jake said, sighing, as they looked through the window of a thrift store. "Sam is gonna love anything you get him just because its you."

"So, if that's true, why are you still looking for something for Johnnie then?" Colby shot back defensively, his brows furrowing as he gazed in the window.

Jake let out a chuckle, shaking his head. "My boyfriend is an emo. His taste is like black and bands and weapons and shit. This calls for the perfect present that won't encourage violence but will still make his black little heart a little lighter for a while." 

Colby sighed, gesturing with his head towards the thrift store door. "Lets go in here." 

He knew that Sam wasn't a snob when it came to where he got his clothes and other things. They both wore designer brands a lot, but they had also worn thrift clothes they'd bought when wanting to save money or support small businesses. There were usually a lot of awesome things they found when thrift shopping as well.

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