The Wedding

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Authors Note: 

I saw that someone said they wanted to see the wedding now and I definitely liked that idea. I've always wanted to do another part to a one shot i've written, so I decided this one would do!

I'm trying to keep up with updating these one shots, but i've been kinda burned out lately.

Bear with me, I promise there will be updates as I can churn them out. I'm trying not to leave too much time between updates! 

I also apologize that this one shot was so delayed, a lot was happening, but here it is now!

Any ideas for one shots would be appreciated!


Sam huffed from the bed in his childhood bedroom, his brother Ben in his own room and Corey in the guest room

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Sam huffed from the bed in his childhood bedroom, his brother Ben in his own room and Corey in the guest room. He knew his groomsmen both weren't sleeping, just like he wasn't, but of course, he wouldn't disturb them at the moment to stop himself from feeling antsy.

It was currently 11 pm the night before his wedding and he was suffering some serious withdrawal when it came to Colby. 

They'd decided, or rather were forced, to keep it traditional since their moms had conspired to keep them apart the night before the wedding. They didn't really have much choice.

 Lesa and his mom had kidnapped him from Colby's parent's house where he'd been staying and brought him back to his own parent's house to spend the night. Add to the fact that they hadn't had sex much in the entire month they'd been planning this fucking wedding.

He was excited to marry his best friend, but he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated with the situation right now.

After Colby had proposed around Christmas, they'd had a discussion about when they wanted to get married and found that both of them wanted to do it sooner rather than later. There really wasn't much point in waiting. 

They'd decided upon giving themselves a month to plan everything and put it together, keeping things small and private, and at home.

Getting married in Kansas seemed to be a given for them. Its where they'd met and where they'd grown up before coming out to Vegas. It only seemed natural to get married there as well. 

Of course, their mothers were over the moon when they heard that their kids were engaged and coming home to get married, insisting they wanted to help.

Sam insisted that they would be paying for the wedding, but he should have known better than to argue with his mom and Lesa, because he ended up allowing the women to help out a little after a few thinly veiled mom threats.

Jake and Corey were the first to be asked to be groomsmen for he and Colby. They were their closest friends and they wanted to lock it down before the men got too busy with their various pursuits on YouTube and beyond. 

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