You're Mine, Baby

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Author Notes: So this is gonna be one of the smutty ones. If you don't like that, then this one might not be for you. Got a lovely comment on ao3 and I plan to see it through. Im mostly working off suggestions right now, they inspire me, so don't be afraid to comment after this chapter for a certain plot you'd like to see!

The Comment: can you write overstimulation with top colby and bottom sam, maybe sam did something to piss colby off 



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It wasn't really like Sam to be such a  flirty mess while drinking. 

Especially when he knew that he wasn't single. However, he'd been on such a cloud of euphoria since they'd started their celebratory party with friends for reaching 10 million subscribers, that he couldn't really comprehend much of anything with the fog of alcohol roaring through him.

Here he was, just a boy from Kansas, making videos about ghost hunting with his best friend from high school, and 10 million people found them awesome and entertaining. It felt surreal.

Obviously there were billions of people in the world, so maybe it wasn't a huge accomplishment, but millions of people were watching them. Millions

That's more than he'd ever dreamed of in his life for two random boys who joked around on Vine.

The whole thing had sent Sam on a natural high all night that he didn't really consider his actions when migrating around to the numerous friends who had populated their Vegas house to help them celebrate.

Jake had driven in from Los Angeles just to be part of the festivities and Kris and Celina flew down from Canada to be able to attend, as well. They were staying overnight in the guest room afterwards, and catching a flight in the morning, so they had plenty of time together for the night.

Corey and Devyn had come to the party, which had meant a lot to Sam and Colby after he'd separated himself from their channel. Corey mentioned when he arrived that he found it important to support them, despite that. It made his heart a little warm to know that he still cared, even if they had drifted a little. 

Even Kat and Stas had shown up after all the complicated mess that had followed forming his relationship with Colby.

A lot of his favorite people were near him, having fun, and that had only made the effects of the alcohol and adrenaline of their success so much heavier.

Sam was practically hanging off Jake's side the first half of the night, an arm around his friend's shoulders, dancing next to him. He'd missed Jake, honestly. After his split with Tara, he'd pulled himself back a little, despite being okay with the breakup. It had made Sam sad for a while, so to see him was a shock to the system.

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