I Have You

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So excited to continue the story

Bakugo's POV-

       A month later and we had barely spoken, only when we needed to. That nerd always had a longing look in his eyes. Not thinking, just- staring. He only talked to me when he needed something. He's pissing me off. This isn't his damn fault. Deku needs to stop acting like it is. I can't take it.

       One night we make it to a cave. It's not to big, but it works. Deku tosses his satchel on the ground, before he has the chance to sit I grab his shoulders. "Nerd, you better listen."

       Deku stares at me dumb founded, "Kacchan?..." I can't stand another minute of him moping around. He needs to pick his ass up! I'm tired of dealing with his shit all the time. He says sorry every single day! The shitty nerd needs to grow up.

       "Deku, stopped acting like all this crap is your fault. I'm sick of hearing your mumbled apologies every damn night! This isn't because of you. Didn't you say the old hag left when you were five? And I'm over it- it's been eight years. It's not like my parents gave a damn about me anyways." I throw Deku against the cave wall and he sinks to the ground.

      Seconds turn to minutes. "Really, not gonna say anything ner-" I look back and- He's crying. Deku is sitting in the dirt just like the night we found out. He sniffles and looks up at me. "Kacchan I'm s-so sorry I didn't mean to annoy you! I didn't know you felt that way- I just c-can't stop thinking about what my family did to yours! I thought you'd never forgive me, I'm s-sorry for thinking it was all about me, Kacchan I-"

       "WHAT DID I JUST SAY, HUH NERD?! Stop apologizing, dammit!" Stupid Deku, doesn't know when to shut up! 

       HOURS later, Deku finally calms down. "I got more sticks for the fire, nerd!" Deku smiles as he sits by the fire, wrapped in my cape. "Thanks a lot, Kacchan." I sit next to him. Now that he's stopped whining he's tolerable. 

       What the hell?! What is that shit doing? He just laid his head on my leg. "Thanks for not leaving me, Kacchan..." He whispers. "Y'know, after what you told me." He reaches up his left arm to play with my hair. "It's nice having you around. I like it when you're nice to me." He yawns.

       I sit him up, "Deku, go lay down, you're tired." I scoff, he's so touchy! The nerd needs to learn to keep his hands to himself. 

       "I was scared to travel alone. Mom was worried someone would kidnap me, but I guess it's the other way around now." I go to yell but- I guess letting him talk wouldn't be absolute hell. "She used to be one of the only people I really cared about. There was Ochaco and her Dad but... They're out of the picture now. I have you. I would be really sad if you left..." Deku yawns again, he's babbling nonsense, I wish he would shut up. "Thank you for staying with me Kacchan."

       With that, he leans against me and falls asleep. I lay him down by the fire and pull my cape over him. "Night, Deku."

Just a short chapter, needed a little fluff to soothe things out. <3

Words- 568

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