A Man Came

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Alright, time for the story to start picking up again! This is where the plot really thickens, so make sure to start paying attention to the little things! This chapter won't be as long as the last, but I'll try to make the chapters longer from here on out. Enjoy!

Deku's POV-

"Come on Deku, your leg is fine! Stop being so sensitive." Kacchan scoffs. It's been a few days since me and him have the inn. It feels like it's been weeks. Food supply is low and we had to resort to hunting one night. Kacchan's arm is swelled up and infected, but he refuses any help. My leg isn't much better, but any progress is good. "Nerd, we're almost there, got a plan?" Kacchan kicks a rock as he walks. He stumbles over it.

"We just need to get in and get my Mom, then we can leave and we'll be safe. We'll all leave and go back to the village together, it'll be grea-"

"NO. We can't go back to the village, damn nerd!" What is Kacchan talking about, why would he want to stay out here. We need to go back. At least for a little while to heal. He and I both need a doctor. My leg is really getting bad... "Why not?"

Kacchan stops walking and I bumps into him, he could give a warning next time! He jerks his head back and is about to say something when- "Drop it, don't bring it up again." And he walks off. "Kacchan- wait!" I go to run after him- shoot! My leg needs to heal soon, it's a pain to have to work around it. "Did something happen back in the village? Well- I'm assuming you came from Krion, where I grew up. And even then there's hundreds of villages. You could've come from Hudall, but that's across the whole continent- What about Dumue. No, their accent is much different than yours, but there's-"

"SHUT UP, NERD!" Kacchan yells and faces me, baring his teeth. Rude. "Sorry Kacchan, I was just really excited, that's all." He grunts, "No shit, nerd." He sighs and grumbles, "I'm from Ahat." Kacchan looks forward, his eyebrows scrunching to protect his eyes from the fierce sun.

"I've never met anyone from Ahat before. It's so far." What is Kacchan doing all the way out here then? Ahat is in the northwest- but Krion is in the South. Where we are now. I would understand Darzyn- or even Dumue, but Ahat? I guess it's better than being all the way from the north in Hudall. It's still weird that he's all the way down here.

Ever since Kacchan told me his real name the other night in the hot spring at the inn... I can't get it out of my head. It's so familiar. I've never known anyone with a name starting with a 'K'. I swear I know it. I feel like I heard it as a kid at some point. I remember a story from when I was eleven. There was a boy from Darzyn who was murdered- no. He was being kidnapped or something. Nobody knew the details. It was a small royal boy, I can't remember his role. All I know is he disappeared without a word when he was fourteen. His name started with a 'K' also. I must be thinking of that boy for some reason. I need to get Kacchan's name out of my head.

"Deku." Kacchan groans, "Let's just bust in there and get her, I'm ready to kill these extras!" So impatient.

"No, we can't just run in there without a plan, if we do we'll be caught and end up in the same position as before." He scoffs and looks away, "Just hurry up, nerd."

After hours of waiting for the perfect time, I see something. Is that- "Mina and Kirishima!" I see them leaving the castle! A bunch of guards are also with them. "Kacchan, wake up!" I shake Kacchan awake, he falls off the rock he's resting on, "What the hell?!" Kacchan sits up, still half asleep. Around his eyes are dark and sagging. "Come on, at least half the defense just left, including Mina and Kirishima. Let's go." I stand to- dammit! My leg- I don't know how much longer it can go untreated. It's still busted up. I grab a big stick and use it to take some weight off my leg. It'll work. We can't stop now, not when we're this close. Mom is practically in arms reach.

"I'm going as fast as I can, stupid nerd!" Kacchan whisper yells. He's stuck in an open window to the basement, small, but possible to get through. "I'll help-"

"I don't need your damn help, Deku!" He finally gets through, landing on his face. I jump in after him, landing in a squat. "Show off..." Katsuki mumbles and looks away, crossing his arms. I can't help but smile a bit. A lantern, perfect! I take it and light it up. It's so dark, I can still barley see.

"Nerd, hurry up." Kacchan grabs my wrist and pulls me ahead. "Hey, be careful Kacchan! My leg is still messed up. Plus, we have to be careful. Anyone could be anywhere. What would happen if we got shot?"

Kacchan scoffed. He never thinks ahead. We make our way through the castle. It wasn't an official royal castle yet it was huge. Me and Kacchan walk all over, looking for something- anything at this point.

I put my hand out in front of Kacchan, "Hey nerd, watch it!"

"Shh!" I sigh and whisper, "Listen." It's faint, but there's talking coming from a room further down the hall. The only room with light spilling out from under the door. "Kacchan- someone's here." He shoves me, "Well let's go already." He takes off. He needs to wait, we could be caught.

We slowly walk into the room. A steady fire is going, the bed was made, the floors were clean. That's when.

"Izuku!" There she is.

"Mom-" Is that... "Mom-" One step forward, two. My legs shake. "Mom!" I run to her, hugging her tightly, sobbing. She's here! She's here and she's safe, she looks okay. "Mom, you're okay! I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner. You could've been hurt, or worse. I'm just so glad you're okay!" I can't stop crying, I know Kacchan will make fun of me but I was so worried.

I look back at Kacchan. Instead of making fun of me he's- Kacchan is leaning against the wall looking down.

"Oh Izuku!" My Mom wraps her arms around me, squeezing me. "It's barley been a month, you're so big already. I'm so glad you're okay."

Kacchan came over, "Enough of this family reunion shit, get her and let's go nerd."

"Kacchan- be ni-" Mom sighs "No- go. You can't be here." All of a sudden she gets tense and serious, like she saw a ghost. "You have to go, before he comes back." He? "Mom, who is 'he'? Is someone hurting you? What is going on?" She pushes me away, "Izuku, take your friend and leave. NOW." She turns me around, "Go please."

The air gets hotter, "Please Izuku, go. Hisashi will come back." She needs to speak up, "Mom, who is Hisashi?"

"He's... Your-" She is cut off.

Just then a man appears in front of me in a blink of an eyes, "Wow Izuku, look how big you are!" He laughs, dry and deep. "What a big boy you are now! And look at that." He goes over to Kacchan, "Huh, what the hell?!" The tall white haired man bends down to get eyes to eye with Kacchan, "You finally managed to make a friend." He laughs, "Well, I would love to stay and chat, catch up, what not, but I got to go. Your Mom and I have somewhere important to be." He looks at Kacchan and his eyes widen. He let his guard down for just a second.

He grabs Moms arms, "Izuku- run before he comes back again!" He quickly covers her mouth. "Well it was nice seeing you Izuku." And just like that, he's gone, so is Mom.

Kacchan looks at where he was just standing in horror. He looks like he saw a ghost. I stare at the spot where the man and Mom just were. I shake violently but manage to spit it out.


Cliff hanger! The story from now on is going to be very intense, get ready! Please tell me if ya'll are enjoying or not so I can know what to have more of and less of!

Words- 1451

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