Stupid Deku

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author's note- Thank you for reading, not much to say here except this is the first time we'll get to see Bakugo's point of view.  Also, just know there are no clocks or exact time in this world since it's so far in the past, so the way they word time will be weird. This chapter is mostly just Bakugo and Deku getting to know each other, until... 


Bakugo's POV-

       I have to admit, the boots the nerd gave me are better than barefoot. We're walking through the forest, looking for a place to sleep.

       "Oi! Nerd, I see a cave." Deku smiles, "Oh! Good, Kacchan." He jogs to it and sets his satchel down. "How annoying can you get? I told you to stop calling me that damn name." I grumble, crossing my arms. "What should I call you then?" I roll my eyes and mumble, "Whatever stupid Deku..."

       I get a fire going as Deku collects the water. When he comes back, I see a fish in the water bucket, trying to jump out. "Got us dinner, Kacchan." He smiles at me, sitting. "What? Do you expect me to say thank you?" 

       Deku smirks, "No, but I did expect the fire to be ready." That Nerd! "Shut up you damn Nerd!" I clench my teeth as a fan the little sparks with my hand. Deku kills the fish, then says some prayers over it. "Deku, why the hell are you paying respects to a fish? It's a fish." He laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-It still had a life. Wouldn't you want someone to pray for you if they killed you?" 

       "Couple things nerd. One, murderers don't pray over their prey. Two, NOBODY can kill me. And three, there's nothing to pray to. I mean, who are you talking to?" Deku sits criss-crossed as he draws with his finger in the dirt. "I don't know really. I guess whoever is in charge of stuff." I roll my eyes, "That's a shitty idea." 

       "Y-you're a shitty idea!" He blurts out. Now he's done it. "You want to fight Nerd?! Huh?" Deku scoots back as I get right in front of his face. "No! No- I wasn't thinking I was just saying something to say some thing and i'm so sorry and I won't do-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Shut up, Deku." I go back to tending to the fire. That Nerd doesn't ever know how to shut his damn mouth.

       I bite into the bass, ripping the flesh with my teeth. Deku gulps down some water, sighing when he finishes. I watch him out of the corner of my eye undress. First, his gloves. Then his boots. And soon everthing else follows, waistcoat, shirt, pants... "Nerd, I don't wanna see you naked!" I huff, looking away. He goes red, "Sorry Kacchan! I'm not taking off my undergarments though. I was actually undressing to go soak in the little waterfall area, it's nearby! Want to join?"

       I scoff, "Hell no." Deku sighs. "Alright then, I'll be back by the time all the shadows disappear." He smiles one last time before taking a torch and walking off. 

      "Nerd..." I look away. Deku looks up from the water. "Kacchan?" He picks up the torch and smiles, mouth open. "You came!"

       "Yeah! Well don't make a big deal out of it- I just needed to rinse off." I take off my pants and boots and slide into the water, across from Deku. Why the hell did I even come? Deku will just talk his ass off the whole time. 

       "So, how was the fish?" I glare at him, "Stop making small talk damn Deku!" I splash him. Stupid Nerd. But...

       He laughs. That shit head laughs. "Who the hell told you to laugh?! HUH??" 

       And he laughs MORE. Who does this Nerd think he is to challenge me?

       "I'm sorry!" Deku holds his stomach as he CONTINUES to laugh. It's pissing me off.            "Sorry sorry- But splashing me, Kacchan? Are you a toddler?" I clench my teeth. At this point smoke is probably coming out of my damn ears. "I can do a LOT worse Deku-" He smirks, "Then do it."

       I sink into the water and mutter under my breath, "Stupid, good for nothing, loser Deku. Can't believe.. Damn Nerd." 

       Deku laughs a bit, "I'm gonna head back, Kacchan. Wanna come with me?" I roll my eyes, "No." 

       "When will you be back-" I eye him, "Why should I tell YOU, Nerd?!" He puts his hands in front of him, "Okay, Kacchan. See you later then." He gets out and takes his torch with him. Tch. What a Nerd, needing a torch to find his way.

       "Kacchan?.." Deku asks sleepily. "Shut the hell up, stupid Deku." 

       He laughs a bit, "Did you get lost on the way back ?" I lay in the dirt, only in my leather undergarment shorts, still wet. "NO!" I scoff. "I just thought this was... Comfier. That cave sucked." Deku smiles a bit and holds his hand out to help me up. I bat it away. I don't need his help!

       "C'mon Kacchan. It's still night time, let's get back to the cave and sleep." I stand, looking away, "Fine- but I don't need a damn torch!" I knock the torch from his hand and stomp on it. Only weaklings like Deku need torches.

       "KACCHAN!" Deku drops to his knees and fans to fire to try to get the flame back, "That was the only way back! It's pitch dark out here!" He glares at me. "Maybe you need a torch, Nerd. But I don't." He scowls. "YES, you DO. That's how you got lost in the first place!" 

       I shrug, "Well real men sleep outside. In the cold and dark." The Nerd groans, "Real men also try to stay alive!" He leans against a tree. "Fine, let's just try and get some sleep- We can find our way back tomorrow."

       Later, we're laying on the rough dirt, our backs towards each other. Deku's stomach growls, "Oi, Nerd!" I whisper-yell, "Keep your stomach quiet." He grumbles. "It would be if we were back at the cave where our food is." We stay quiet for a bit, the awkward silence winning.

       Deku sighs, "Goodnight, Kacchan." I nod slightly, "Night, Ner- WHAT THE HELL?"

An arrow lands right beside our heads. And Deku's leg is already spilling blood.

             And so is my arm.

author's note- Cliffhangers! My favorite. Hope you enjoyed my favorite chapter so far of "Why We Work" Words- 1097

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