Cracked and Dry

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I don't know who keeps coming back, but if you are tell me if you like this story and what you would like to see in it! I want to make sure it has something for everyone. Hope you enjoy!

Bakugo's Pov-

"Deku! Stop, you're hurt, you can barley walk you damn nerd!" I yell. Deku got himself untied and is trying to escape. His leg, it's disgusting from when he got shot with that arrow. It's deep, and big. There's dried blood all over it, and some white puss oozing out of it. He looks like shit too. Deku's under eyes are dark and purple, baggy. His hair is messed up and knotted, his clothes covered in dirt and blood.

He limps, holding onto his sachel with one hand holding his leg. I run after him. "Nerd, you're just making it worse. Stop being fucking stupid and sit!"

"Kacchan, you don't understand!" Deku looks back at me. He has this look in his eyes, I've never seen it. "My Mom was taken, I can't just leave her here! They're probably torturing her. I need to save her, you wouldn't understand..." He turns back around.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I grab his shirt and throw him on the ground. "Don't you ever say shit like that to me, Deku!" He looks up at me, anger on it but also a little fear. Good, he has no right to talk to me like I 'don't fucking know'.

I kick his leg where his wound it, he groans in pain, gagging almost and grabs it. Deku holds his breath so he doesn't scream and we're not caught leaving. It slowly starts to bleed again. I don't care if it hurt, he can suck it. "Don't think you're the only one with fucking problems, nerd." I look to the side, narrowing my eyes. "We're leaving. It's a huge castle, we'll never find your damn mom going in blind. We're leaving to make a plan." Before he can open his mouth and yank him back to standing. "Get on my back Deku. If you walk anymore I'll have to cut your damn leg off. I'm not letting you walk on that thing, it will hurt you more than me. Climb on." Deku doesn't resist, climbing onto my back.

"Kacchan..." He whispers in my ear. My eyes widen and I stop walking. What the hell is he doing?! "Thank you." Deku whispers again, his mouth is so close to my ear I can basically feel it. "Shut up damn nerd." We keep going, quietly.

After sneaking around we make it outside. I ran for 5 miles, getting as far as I could. We ended up in a random field, trying to make it to the woods, about a half mile away. I could've ran faster if Deku wasn't so damn heavy.

I'm walking, I just need to get us to the woods. DAMMIT- I bite my cheek, "SHIT! Fuck fuck fuck-" My arm where I got shot with the arrow starts to throb, I almost drop the nerd. Just make it to the woods. Why is it so far.

Walking. Keep going. I'm so damn exhausted. COME ON- Just a little further. I'm this close to passing out. Then-

Deku. He's been asleep for an hour now on my back. He makes a small grunt sound in his sleep and turns his head. Deku's hot breath is on me face now. I can feel it, blowing my hair a bit. What the hell?! Why did he get so close?! My face heats up, what the fuck- do I have a fever?

We make it to the woods. I can finally set the damn nerd down, he weighs a ton. I sigh, putting him propped up to a tree. I roll up his pants, trying not to wake him. His face scrunches in his sleep as I do. It's bad, he needs a doctor, but if we find a town Mina and Kirishima probably have people set up everywhere- Shit. I pick Deku up and carry him to a little pond, covered by trees and rocks. Secluded, even though nobody else is out here. I sit him in the shallow water, his clothes turning a darker shade as they suck up the water.

I scoop water in my hands and pour it over his leg and, shit- "My arm, dammit!" I groan and grab it, I need to look at it later, but Deku's leg is worse. I clean it, getting all the dirt and dried blood off. Wait- his face is dirty to.

I wet my hand again and scoot closer, I wipe off his neck, then his cheek. I use my thumb to wipe his forehead. His breath. I can feel it on my face again. My mouth only a few inches away from him. I lean closer, I feel my face relax. It's a weird feeling. What the hell is this. My skin is hot, sticky from sweat. My stomach feels weird. I feel like there's nothing to worry about, even if we have everything to worry about. But this moment wasn't one of them.

My lips part to open. I take one long look at the nerd's face. There's things I never noticed. His eyebrows are thick, a little over grown. His lashes are short and dark. His nose isn't to big or to small. His freckles plaster his nose and cheeks, and there's a few on his chin. His lips. They're thin, but not flat. Cracked and dry.

Our faces, drift closer. Deku is so calm. I hate to admit it but I wish I could be calmer. Look calmer.

I wish I didn't care about a damn nerd.

Oh my God Bakugo!

Words- 951

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