Chapter 1

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(This part is brought to you by Vulpen doing his own thing.)

-Void Realm

3rd POV

In the forgotten Void realm that was home to the Titanus Vulpus Kaiju. A place that many forgotten super dark Kaiju also called home. Vulpen could be seen landing on his feet and skidding back while facing five super dark Kaiju by himself.

 Vulpen could be seen landing on his feet and skidding back while facing five super dark Kaiju by himself

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For some reason, Vulpen grinned as he cracked his knuckles while feeling stronger in this realm

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For some reason, Vulpen grinned as he cracked his knuckles while feeling stronger in this realm. Especially from already defeating several other dark Kaiju here in the Void Realm. Hey still has many to face in this massive realm that Vulpen will reclaim as his home. As he then gave a loud battle roar before rushing at his opponents with his powers and combat skills to back hum up. While he began taking each one down after quickly assessing each one quickly before the fight. Something that he had to learn quickly during his own journey in the realm. As well as doing so in the normal realm while watching the other Kaiju each other from afar. Due to him seeing himself as a background character who doesn't want to get noticed.

Something that the humans he worked with at the joint H.E.A.T and Monarch alliance. Unlike the other Kaiju, Vulpen never hated humans. In faced he liked them and their many cultures, as well as their music and movies. Something that he found very unique in one race like them. Along with the good in them all, to Vulpen, humanity deserved to have a chance like any race. While knowing that they and the Kaiju were not so different in more things than one. Something that he found fascinating all together.

So after taking down the last Dark Kaiju, Vulpen took a deep breath. While he began absorbing what little power it and the others had. Before decapitating their heads and headed back at his fox castle. Which was left behind by his people long ago before they were whipped out.

There, Vulpen defleshed and cleaned the skulls before putting them on his trophy wall. Which had other heads of his defeated foes already. As Vulpen stepped back and looked upon them all. While remembering seeing his parents doing the same thing so long ago when his was younger. As he hoped that he was living up their expectations as a fox Kaiju. With him looking out for those weaker than him away from the other Kaiju in secret. As he then went to the throne room of his castle and sat upon throne.

Which he had no problem with the whole thing. When it came to other Kaiju, Vulpen found some of them to be very simple minded, destructive for no reason and hypocritical. With several of them being more so than others, but even though Vulpen knew of humanity's destructive nature themselves. He still a lot of good in them, plus he found them fascinating and unique as a species. With their many cultures and different features, as well as the many things they can create and do when they work together.

To Vulpen, he can see the resemblance between humans and Kaiju a bit. But only a bit, which is was enough to bridge and form a union between the two species of Earth. So that they could live in peace and work together with strong bonds. To Vulpen, if he can think of and understand this, than anyone can.

It was just he saw too much friction between the Kaijus of Monster Island and humanity. That he had to distance himself from the other Kaiju. So that he could form an alliance with humanity first and be an example. Although secretly and away from the other Kaiju, which he knew surprised humanity at first. As he and them quickly grew closer the more dark Kaiju take down missions they did together. While also learning from each other with trust in mind.

Vulpen smiled at this memory and thought of his own situation. As a background character doing his own thing, while sitting back and relaxing in his throne.


-Monster Island/Gihdorah's Ship, Normal Realm

3rd POV.

It was a sunny and lazy day for the Kaiju, as they were sparing and having fun on the beach. With all the male and females doing so with each other. All without them not noticing that Vulpen was not there. Like always, as they thought they could take down any foe that comes their way.

While in Earth's orbit and on Gidorah's ship, she and her crew looked on at the other Kaiju on monster island. As Ghidorah smirked before ordered for her ship to go down before the island. As the other Kaiju looked while behind ready for a fight. For they new that is was Gihdorah and her follower. Whom they say head out from the ship and headed to them for a fight. As well as to destroy them as well.

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