Did I Do That?

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"It's been four weeks since the brutal murder of her parents and nearly three weeks since Y/n L/n was committed to Arkham Asylum for it.."

"Holy shit, Button! They're talking about you!" Harley squealed, putting up the volume on the tv as she pulled me towards it.

"And we wanted to get your opinions on the matter," the reporter continued as another person stepped into screen,

"Who do we have here?" the reporter asked the man, holding a microphone towards his face.

"No they're not, Harley," before turning to walk away.

"They are," she shushed me, "Just wait!"

I stopped in my tracks and looked back at the TV.

"You wanna know what I think? I think the goddamn justice system is a joke! She should be rotting in prison!" the random man spat, "Damn bitch deserves it."

"Ouch.." Harley cringed.

"What the hell does he know?" I scoffed.

"I knew her parents," that same person suddenly answered, almost as if he had heard me, "they were real nice, they didn't deserve that."

"Nice?" I thought, confusion taking over.

"I tell you, it's a real shame what happened."

"Nice?" the confusion shifted to anger as I thought about it again.

"If anyone should be six feet deep right now, it's her."

"Nice..?" I muttered, angry tears falling down my face as I slowly backed away from the tv.

My nails dug deep into the palms of my hands as the tears continued falling, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Ow! Ow!" the tv man called out, "What the hell?!" he yelled, staring at the palms of his own hands.

Quickly, the camera panned over to the man's hands showing four crescent-shaped marks on each of them.

My jaw dropped as the tears came to a stop, "Did I do that..?"

"Y/n?" Harley peered over my shoulder, trying to see what I was so focused on.

Suddenly, I had a revelation and, suddenly, everything began making sense.

"I need to talk to Dr. Crane," I told her, as I began walking towards the gate that separated the day room and hallways.

"Y/n!" that same blonde shrieked, quickly following behind me.

Before I could get through the gate, a guard stepped in front of me, blocking the way.

"I need to get through," I told him, trying to muster up the strength in me to push him away.

"You're not going anywhere," the guard said, not budging- both metaphorically and literally.

"Please let me through," I pleaded, turning to my friend, "Harley, will you help me?"

She nodded quickly and helped me push the man.

He chuckled, and crossed his arms, believing that two small, fragile women wouldn't be getting him out of the way any time soon.

"I need to talk to Dr. Crane!" I finally yelled, hoping to reason with the man.

"DR. CRANE!" I sobbed into the empty, echoey halls of the asylum.

No answer, and, as a last resort, I shouted as loud as I could saying, "JONATHAN!"

I waited impatiently for the man to come running out of his office and when he didn't, more tears fell.

I hesitantly turned away, looking to just go to a corner and cry my anger and confusion away.

Other patients in the room, being used to sudden outbursts paid me no attention as I broke down.

"CRANE!" Harley shouted ten times louder than I possibly could, "IF YOU DON'T GET HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Finally, as if something was stopping him before, Jonathan quickly opened his door. His gaze quickly averted to mine, ignoring the girl he opened his door for.

"What's going on?" he spoke through the gate, waiting for a guard to open it for him.

Looks of worry and confusion washed over the doctor's face as he watched me sob. "Y/n?" he ran to my side as the guard finally opened the door.

"Are you okay?" he asked, bringing me into his warm embrace before resting his hands over my shoulders to get a better look at me.

"I really need you right now," I told him as the tears continued. "We need to talk."

We walked down the familiar asylum walls once again. They all looked the same, but something about these walls was different; comforting almost. I think it was because they lead to Jonathan's office; the place I felt most safe in, even after finding out about his 'extracurricular activities'. Since our last conversation, I've had some time to think. While it was a bit scary not knowing what he was capable of, Jonathan trusted me with keeping his secret, and for that, I was forever grateful.

"What's this about, Y/n?" the good doctor asked as we both took our seats and, like last time, he scooted closer to mine.

Considering I kept his secret, I hoped he'd return the favor and quickly began, "Dr- Jonathan, I think I killed my parents."

I had no time to beat around the bush, I needed to get this out of my mind as quickly as I could, I needed to talk about it, to vent about it.

"I killed my parents," I told him, gripping onto my thighs, "I hurt the TV man and-" suddenly I realized, "Oh my god.." I gasped, "I hurt you too."

"I didn't mean to, Jonathan!" I shouted, "I swear I didn't mean to! I never wanted to hurt anybody."

"Just myself," my thoughts finished.

"What are you talking about, Y/n? Do you need me to get a nurse?" he asked, most certainly thinking I was probably just delirious.

"NO!" I told him, "I need you.."


"I don't know what's wrong with me," I began, "I think I have this- this curse," I stammered.

"Y/n.." he repeated, in almost the exact same tone.

"Please, Jonathan," I pleaded, "Please just listen to me."

"I need you to listen to me, I need you to really listen to me. And not in the psychologist, good doctor kind of way. Please Jonathan, just listen."

"Of course," he smiled, placing his hand over mine.

It was a recent pattern he's picked up; placing his hand over mine, I mean. And every time, every single time, it's the greatest thing ever. His hands, though cold and tough, always felt so warm and soft when they were resting on mine. It never failed to cheer me up.

Though despite what Harley thought, I wasn't in love with the man. Sure I had developed a small crush on him, but how could I not? He was so kind, so understanding.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now