You'll Always Have Me

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The very next day I, for a good ten minutes, stood there watching anxiously as Jonathan paced around the room; the look on his face being a mix of worry and anger. Occasionally, he'd stop, not to take a breather though, it was usually to throw something across the room or to start yelling.

"Jonathan, you need to calm down..." I told him, growing tired of staying quiet.

In truth, I know now that probably wasn't the best thing to say, but I was only trying to help.

"Calm down?!" he quickly retorted, sounding completely and utterly dumbfounded, "How am I supposed to calm down when Carmine Falcone escaped yesterday and is already threatening to hurt you and expose me?!"

I backed away, giving, not only him a little space, but me too; I couldn't help it, he was just so scary when angry, it was almost like he was a different person.

"When this comes out, my life is ruined; my career, my experiments..." he sighed, brushing his hair back, "I'll have nothing."

"That's not true, Jonathan," his brows furrowed, and his eyes reddened with anger, "You'd still have me."

He scoffs, grinning angrily, "That's not enough."

To say a piece of my heart broke the moment those words left his mouth would be an understatement; but it wasn't about me, nothing ever was, it was always about Jonathan and what made him happy or angry or upset. So, I refrained from taking the attention from him with a simple "Okay."

He chuckled lightly, "What? Did you think something different?"

"No," I told him, speaking honestly, "but you'll always have me, even if you don't want to."

"You're not-"

"But you are! You're enough for me, Jonathan. Even if I'm not enough for you..." I choked, tears began to form, but didn't dare fall, not without my say, "I love you."

The tears fell, each droplet one by one by one by one and, as quickly as they could, even more followed, leaving a salty taste in my mouth.

I wiped them away with the sleeve of my uncomfortable patient uniform, not wanting Jonathan to see me cry.

"Don't say that," he pleaded, a look of guilt washing over his face.

"Why not?" I retorted, "It's true!"

"It's not, you're my patient, Y/n. Just my patient."

My eyes widened, the tears began flowing down too quickly, leaving me unable to stop them all, "You don't mean that."

"I do."

"YOU DON'T! Not after everything we've been through!"

He sighed, his blue eyes began watering, leaving them looking like a beautiful ocean, "You'll get hurt."

"I'll be okay," I smiled, cupping his face "We'll be okay."

"I won't always be there to protect you, Y/n."

"You don't need to be," I giggled, the tears slowing down, "I can handle myself."


The girl, after arriving back to her room, threw herself into bed, feeling exhausted of the days events.

"You alright, Button?" her blonde friend asked, finding a seat in her bed.

"I'm exhausted..." she sighed, bringing her pillow to her face.

"Why?" Harley asked, a drop of concern accidentally spilling from her tone, she never liked showing people she cared, but she did; especially about Y/n.

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