Fears & Secrets

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Since hearing about Dr. Crane's double life, I've been a bit hesitant about getting close to him. I even canceled some of our appointments by exaggerating the symptoms electroshock therapy had on me.

I know it's wrong, I mean he's only trying to help me but I can't help the fear I feel around him now. It was different than the fear I felt with other inmates, at least with them I knew they couldn't hurt me.

What scared me the most was how good he was at hiding it, I never once doubted his intentions with me. He never gave me a reason to, throughout our sessions he only ever tries to help and comfort me.

At the moment, I was in the day room sitting alone at a table in the corner. Harley was in a corner making out with Joker and Ivy was in the padded room for punching a guy.

"I never really understood Ivy's hatred for men, maybe I'll ask her about it later," I thought. How people like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy could be friends was beyond my comprehension as they were just so different.

"Y/n?" a voice called behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts. Grabbing a hold of my shoulder, the person took a seat next to me.

"How are you? Have you been feeling any better?"

I looked at him and quickly brushed his hand away, "I feel the same, Doctor," I lied.

"That's odd, your symptoms should have been clearing up by now," he said, "Do you want me to make an appointment with-"

"No!" I accidentally shouted, "Sorry.." I sheepishly continued, looking down at my hands, "It's just.." I paused for a while, trying to figure out a way to subtlety change subjects.

"What aren't you telling me, Y/n?" he inquired, lifting my chin up with his hand.

Trying to avoid eye contact with the man, I nervously shifted my gaze everywhere else and caught Harley staring at me from across the room. She had a huge grin on her face as she began mouthing something, I couldn't understand what she was saying but I knew what it was about.

My breath hitched as the doctor leaned in closer, "Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable, Y/n?" he asked, his gaze softening.

My heart skipped a beat, I suddenly felt bad for treating him so horribly by ignoring him these last few days.

"No," I answered simply.

His hand rested on my thigh for support as he leaned in further, "Then what is it?"

"Doctor.." I started, internally begging the blush on my face to clear.

Suddenly noticing all the eyes watching our every movement, Dr. Crane cleared his throat and fixed his tie as he leaned back, "Can we continue this in my office?"

I nodded quickly and followed behind the man as we headed toward the exit. No further words were exchanged until we reached his office.

Taking a key out of his pocket, the doctor unlocked his door and stepped to the side as he allowed me to walk in first.

I took my seat and watched as Dr. Crane moved his chair closer to mine, "Do you want to tell me what this is about now?"

I looked off to the side as I thought about where to begin before deciding that just getting it over with was probably better, "You," I told him simply, "It's about you."

"I gathered that much," he replied with a chuckle, taking his glasses off and setting them down. His eyes were so blue; and I was only just noticing.

"I know that you're working with Joker and Scarecrow," I admitted, not wanting to beat around the bush.

After a brief pause the doctor sighed, "And how does that make you feel?" he asked in a condescending tone, "Does it make you scared?"

"A little," I told him nervously, biting the inside of my cheek.

"It shouldn't. I wouldn't hurt you, Y/n. I only want to help you." Looking to the side, he grinned, "And in return, maybe you can help me."


"I can't say yet," he placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing it softly, "I need more time."

"More time for what, Doctor?"

"Jonathan," he answered simply, staring deeply into my eyes, "Please, call me Jonathan."


"You were in there for a while, what'd ya do?"

"We talked about his work with Joker and Scarecrow," I told her before adding on a quick "but don't worry! I didn't tell him it was you that told me."

"Phew!" Harley sighed, wiping the imaginary sweat from her forehead, "J would have killed me," she half-joked.

"So what'd he tell ya? Anythin about the weapon?"

"No," I shook my head, "He just asked me how I felt about him working with them. I told him I was a bit scared but he said I shouldn't be," I blushed, recalling our session, "He said he'd never hurt me."

"You can't deny it anymore, Button!" Harley grinned as she hugged me tightly, "You guys are in love."

"We're not." I argued, biting back a smile.

She pouted immediately as she let go of me, "I said you couldn't deny it..."

"Jonathan also said that he wanted my help," I remembered suddenly.

"Jonathan?!" Harley gasped, "Wait! With what?"

I shrugged, "He didn't tell me, I think he will soon though."

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" I finished.

"I pinky promise! Your secret's safe with me," she declared, holding her pinky finger up for me to take.

"I'm serious, Harley.."

"So am I! I never lie on a pinky promise!" she defended, "I might have to tell Ivy though.."


"Just about you and the doc, not anything else!"

"Ivy's disapproval is the last thing I want right now," I admitted to the girl.

"She's not so bad! I'm sure when she hears about how serious you two are, she'll totally understand!"

Considering Joker's been with Harley for years now and Ivy still hasn't accepted him, I doubted Jonathan would have been the exception. But I don't have feelings for him, so it doesn't really matter.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now