Final 1.0

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Naturally, the two teams that were participating in the finals of the freshmen assessment’s knock-out tournament weren’t aware that their match had gotten to the point that even the two Deans were betting against each other.

Both sides had arrived in the arena early. One side was making their preparations, while the other observed their opponents.

Even though Dai Huabin didn’t recognize Huo Yuhao, he was naturally able to sense the threat that Huo Yuhao’s team posed to him. If he based their chances on cultivation rank alone, their team should win.

"Yuhao.” Wang Dong whispered.

“Yep.” Huo Yuhao turned to Wang Dong and Wang Dong saw the cold look in his eyes. “Relax, don’t expose any flaws.” He urged Huo Yuhao, his voice so low that even Xue Rui couldn’t hear him.

At that moment, the referee entered the vast Assessment Arena. All of the partitions had been removed during the afternoon, exposing the enormous Assessment Arena.

The referee waved towards both sides, motioning for them to enter the arena

Their trio proudly entered the arena. As per usual, Huo Yuhao stood in the middle, while Wang Dong and Xue Rui stood on either side of him. On the other side of the arena, Dai Huabin also stood in the middle as he walked into the arena, while the two girls on his team stood beside him.

The referee called the two parties to him and said in a deep voice, “The finals are about to begin, thus there will be a change in the rules. Listen well. As of now, you can move as you wish in the arena, but students with flying-type martial souls are no longer allowed to fly more than ten meters into the air. For the sake of allowing you to display the entirety of your strength, you can go all-out with your attacks; don’t hold anything back during the match. I’ll take care of the situation if any problems arise. However, any participants I have to rescue will be disqualified from the match. Do you understand?”

“Understood.” Both parties simultaneously replied. A trace of chilliness appeared in Dai Huabin’s eyes as an incorporeal killing intent seemed to erupt from his body.

"Both sides, introduce yourselves.”

“Huo Yuhao.”

“Wang Dong.”

“Xue Rui.”

On the other side, Dai Huabin’s team of three exuded an obvious sense of hostility.

“Dai Huabin.”

“Zhu Lu.” The black-haired girl said.

“Cui Yajie.” The pink-haired girl said.

The referee spread his arms wide and said, “Both teams, return to your sides of the arena. When I give the signal, you may begin attacking.”

Both parties quickly reached their respective sides of the arena. The Assessment Arena was extremely large, thus, due to the distance between them, both parties had already become minuscule dots in each other’s eyes.

The referee raised his right hand and then brought it down swiftly. Immediately afterward, a clear ‘Begin!’ rang out in the ears of the participants.

The instant after the announcement was made, both parties moved identically; they both charged toward each other.

At that moment, they were separated by too great a distance; even Huo Yuhao was unable to scout their opponents with his Spiritual Detection.

Wang Dong let out a shout as he ran, causing the wings of his Radiant Butterfly Goddess to unfurl. He flew directly into the air but didn’t overtake Huo Yuhao. Instead, he flew right above him.

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