Soul Advancement Pill

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When Xue Rui woke up the next morning, it was still dark. It should be around 5 in the morning.

She sat for a while and recalled what happened the day before. The little red bird, the handsome senior, martial soul suppression, and-

Xue Rui quickly touched her neck. It didn't hurt anymore. She looked at the surroundings and only then did she find herself in her dormitory.

"How did I return here?"

Before she could dwell on it, she looked at the clock. It was still early Xue Rui got out of her bed and got ready before running out. She thought it was time, she started reading in the library.

The library was ten minutes away from freshmen dormitories. There were hardly any students on the way and the library was almost empty. Xue Rui quickly found some books about soul beasts and started reading one with an ice attribute. First, she needed to have a direction to develop and she needed it for future soul rings.

Almost two hours were spent like that. Xue Rui felt unfinished. There were so many books just in the freshmen library on the first floor, that she didn't know how valuable the books on the second and third floors were.

Xue Rui borrowed the book from the library. The librarian was a Soul Emperor teacher. He saw Xue Rui coming a few times and let her borrow the book without asking anything.

After putting away the book in her soul guide she started to walk towards the Sea God Lake. She always took a walk here whenever she felt bored. Anyway, the class was half an hour later. It'd be no problem to take a walk and enjoy the fresh air here.

"Xue Rui!"

Xue Rui heard her name and looked back. It was the protagonists. Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong. What are they doing here?

"Class monitor! Wang Dong! Hello."

"Hey! I always wanted to talk to you. But you are always running from here and there. By the way, what are you doing here?" Wang Dong asked.

"Just here for a walk. What were you looking for me?"

"Well, I wanted to compete with you. You have the highest cultivation in our class. I am not convinced!" Wang Dong started to get excited, if Xue Rui nodded, he would fight with her right away.

"I-" Before Xue Rui could say anything, Huo Yuhao beside Wang Dong looked towards the Sea God Lake. Xue Rui and Wang Dong also followed his direction to look and found a little red dot.

They'd also seen the so-called red dot that Huo Yuhao had mentioned. However, it wasn't some red dot. It was a red-colored figure that was currently running on the surface of the water at an astonishing speed. In addition to that, looking closely at the figure, it actually seemed to be rushing in their direction!

Suddenly something clicked in Xue Rui's mind and she quickly tried to run. But the red figure was truly too fast. In the period that they'd been conversing with each other, the figure had already approached the hundred-metre radius of the shore. A frightening surge of heat engulfed them in that instant.

With a swish, azure wings spread out from Wang Dong's back. He grabbed ahold of Huo Yuhao and Xue Rui in an attempt to take flight. However, that red figure had already gotten close to them in the short span of Wang Dong's movements.

The terrifying heat burst forth in an instant, causing them to feel as though they'd been enveloped by a sea of fire. The wings on Wang Dong's back crumpled in an instant, making it so that he could no longer fly. The trio fell to the ground at the same time. All of the vegetation in an area ten meters around the figure had turned burnt yellow in an instant.

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