Chapter 2

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[30 minutes later. Tim and Lucy pull up separately and meet up at the front door. Bailey lets them in and walks them to the beanery where her team is seated]

Bailey- "Okay everyone, so this is Lucy and Tim"

[Lucy is excited to meet everyone so she speeds over to the table to say hi to everyone]

Lucy- "Ahh hii guys. I'm so glad to meet you all"

Andy- "Oh my gosh. You are gorgeous"

Vic- "You are literally the prettiest"

Lucy- "Thank you. You guys are very beautiful too"

[Tim rolls his eyes and Lucy sees him]

Lucy- "Don't roll your eyes because i'm being friendly Tim. Maybe you should try it sometime."

Tim- "I am friendly. To you, Grey, and Lopez."

Lucy- "You need to be friendly to everyone." she says as she walks over to him. She grabs his arm and drags him to the table to sit down next to her at the table.

[Next to Lucy is Vic. Andy is across from Lucy. on Lucy's other side is Tim and next to him is Maya.]

Lucy- "Oo I have an idea. We should go around and say our name and something about it is and then something we love. I still don't know all of your names."

Travis- "That's a great idea. You can start"

"I'm Lucy Chen,   I am the shooting champion for the Mid-Widwilsher shooting competition and I love being  a cop.

"Im Victoria Hughes. My parents own a restaurant and I love running into burning buildings

"I'm Andy Herrera. I used to competitively salsa dance and I still love to dance."

"I'm Travis Montgomery. I'm a gay man and I love my team."

"I'm Dean Miller. I'm about to be a dad and I love living on a houseboat."

"I'm Ben Warren. I'm married and I love my family"

"I'm Robert Sullivan. I speak 6 languages and I love being the boss."

Lucy- "Tim it's your turn"

Tim- "I'm Tim Bradford. I'm ex military and now a Metro Sergeant and I love football."

Lucy- "So Robert. You said you speak 6 languages. What are they?"

Robert-"English, Spanish, French, Italian, Farsi, and German.

Lucy- "È così fico. Qualcun altro qui conosce l'italiano, come noi? Potremmo avere una conversazione e nessuno capirebbe"

Robert- "Nessun altro"

Vic- "What did y'all just say"

Lucy- "I asked if anyone else here knew Italian."

Travis- "How many languages do you speak"

Lucy- "5 actually. Spanish, English, Italian, ASL, and a little bit of German."

Andy- "Onestamente è fantastico parlare con te. Dovremmo uscire di più. Essere amici

Lucy- "Mi piacerebbe"

Dean- "English please"

Andy- "We were talking about hanging out."

Ben- "We will all be at the beach together tomorrow."

[Tim rolls his eyes. Lucy playfully slaps in on the arm and smiles. Everyone can clearly see them flirting]

Travis- "So what's up with you not liking the beach."

Tim- "I don't like the sand."

Lucy- "That's not want I found out, but whatever Timmy"

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