Unexpected Encounter

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It was beginning to get dark, and Edric was now carrying the very drowsy Tilly, when another disturbance had my faithful hell hound on alert. But he wasn't the only one who could here what lay ahead.

There were people out in this forest, and they were not trying to be stealthy nor cautious at all. Whoever they were, they were stomping through the forest, breaking branches and cursing every few seconds, between which they were shouting something. It took me a moment to make out the exact cuss words they were using, but the main thing I heard was that these people were calling out Tilly's name.

Apparently Edric had been right and Aunty ritz had gone for help. But whom ever this 'help' was was either very confident in their combat skills, or highly stupid. Who runs around like a bull in a China shop, screaming out your position, in a forest full of deadly monsters that see people as snacks?

"They are going to summon every monster within a mile." Chastised Edric, coming up to my side. He kept his voice low, not wanting to give away our own location, nor looking to wake the sleeping child.

"Fools." Huffed Pride, speaking for the first time since Tilly joined us. "Let us bring the girl to them before they have us all in a tight spot..."

"Tilly, do you know those people?" I asked the girl, turning to look at her, still held in Edric's arms. But she wasn't looking at the humans calling out to her, but rather staring wide eyed at Pride. Oops. "Its alright Tilly, Pride is a demon, like me. He is a good guy..."

One of Pride's doggy brows lifted skeptically, but he did not comment. Yeah, it was a bit of a stretch, as I was sure neither of us- except maybe Edric- could be classified as 'good guys'.

"O-okay..." Whispered the little girl nervously.

"So- these people?" I asked the girl again, and this time she turned her head to look.

Tilly shook her head. "They don't look familiar..." She said.

It was a little concerning, but I also didn't expect a child to remember every person in her town ither. Even if it was a small one. These people were likely sent out to find the girl, but I would stay cautious all the same.

"Best to get this over with then." I sighed, getting to my feet. "Come on."

It did not go as planned.

I had expected there to be suspicion, yes... But the second I stepped into view of the two young humans and opened my mouth to speak, I saw that this was not going to be easy.

"Ryan! It's a demon!" The woman shouted first, and whipped a bow out of no where, aiming an arrow at me that I had not even seen her draw in the first place.

In an instant the man had leapt in front of the woman, but in a way that did not block her shot. He stood there, sword out and hard iron shield raised with chocolate brown eyes glaring down at me.

With a snarl, Pride leapt out of cover and took a protective stance before me. His hackles were raised, fangs barred, and as I watched he began to grow in size. 

This was all escalating very fast.

"Hold it! I just want to talk!" I snapped, but no one was listening. I glanced back to check on my slave and the little girl and saw that Edric had set the girl on her feet and was using his body to protect her, sword also drawn.

The second I looked back at the humans I saw that the man was charging. He was young, with pale skin and burgundy hair, his body slim but fit. He looked barley into his twenties but that wasn't slowing down his fearless charge toward Pride at all.

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