Puppy or Pony?

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"Is this normal behavior for demons...?" Edric spoke up, after a good ten minutes watching Pride and I divvy up and then consume the killer bunny. He had been growing steadily greener as he watched, which was understandable, though I wasn't sure why he didn't just look away.

"Demons can not obtain levels as you humans do." Explained Pride after swallowing a red hunk of meat whole. "We employ various methods to obtain skills and the like from other beings, mainly monsters. Lady Nyx and I, both grow via the consumption of raw materials. Cooked will not do."

"Sorry to hear that..." He eyed the dog like demon a moment longer before asking: "Anything?"

Pride shook his head. "No. But I am not surprised. It is rare that my stats and skills are improved any longer. It would take many kills or something really powerful to do it."

"Like a dragon?" I laughed, eyeing my own hunk of meat distastefully.

"a what?" Both men asked at once. It would have been comical had I not had a nose full of iron as I tried to work up the stomach for my newest meal.

Distracted from the red meat for a moment, I looked at the pair like they had horns. "A dragon. A huge scaly lizard with wings like mine? They breath fire..."

"Your world had such creatures?" Asked Pride, looking surprised. "I would have thought my previous master would have mentioned that. From what he told me, the creatures of your world are quite tame compared to the ones here."

"No, it's not-" I sighed. "Never mind. Its an imaginary creature. I guess I just assumed there would be dragons in this world."

"I can not deny that the human's of your world have large imaginations." Mused Pride. "Tristain was always inventing strange things. And, had he not been imaginative, our entire demon race would not exist."

"I can't deny that, but it's not like he invented 'Demons' in general, you know? They have been part of human mythology in my world for millennia. Though, maybe not exactly as they are in this world."

"Tristain did mention that they were seen as evil beings. Perhaps poor naming choice on his part..." Agreed pride around another blood mouthful of rabbit meat. I guess he was going to eat it anyways.

I felt, then, that I may have found it interesting to have met Tristain. It would have cleared up a lot of things for me, at any rate. Then again, I wasn't sure I could look a man in the eye after eating his leg leather.

A slight shiver racked my body at the thought, causing Edric to look at me strangely. I just shook my head. No way did I want to go into detail about how I became the demon queen. Not that I was making for a very impressive one at the moment.

Instead, I decided to change the topic. "I really wish we could have made it back to town in time." I sighed, gazing through the trees in the direction I was pretty sure the town was in. I was never 'directionally gifted', and could rarely find my way out of a paper bag unless I spent enough time in it to remember the land marks. "But there is no way to make it back now. I think that crotchety landlady really will give away our room, too."

Pride snorted. "If you truly wish to return, then it is no issue."

"How do you figure?" I asked, still eyeing my hunk of meat like it was actively insulting me. I would not be able to avoid eating it forever.

"I must only increase my size enough to carry you both on my back. I am no beast of burden, but I too, would rather the warmth of the inn over the forest. No doubt we will be spending plenty enough time camping very soon."

I almost giggled, imagining Edric and I seated on a rottweiler the size of a horse, galloping though the trees. "Wouldn't we fall off if you are running?"

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