Broken in the Dark

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I glared at the insufferable man, rubbing the shoulder he had bumped. He bent over to grab a rather ratting looking bag he had likely taken off the body of a monster.

"Forget about him, Dear." Sighed Grace as she and her husband started walking toward the gathering knights and summons. I was tempted to get lippy, but I had a least enough street smarts not to antagonize a man that may be able to literally tear me in half.

"Whatever..." I grumbled, dragging my pitiful club after the older couple.

Then, as if this dungeon knew we had started to get a little complacent, there was a very loud thumping noise, and the room shook, causing me to stumble, dirt and pebbles falling from the ceiling. "What the hell?" I snapped, and I wasn't the only one either.

I saw that Jake had gathered the shaken Grace into his arms, while, beyond them, the others were gazing about the room, strewn with goblin corpses, for the cause of the mini earthquake. It appeared that none of us could locate the source, but I saw that many people had begun gazing worriedly up at the ceiling, no doubt afraid that it might come crashing down on us.

"Let us hurry towards the next chamber." Called out the priest. I could tell by the look on his wrinkled face that this was not a normal occurrence, and that he also wanted out of this room.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Laughed Shane as he rammed his way past me once again, this time actually knocking my ass to the cold, blood slicked, stones. "Oops, might wanna get some more muscle on those scrawny arms, Trash." He said with a cocky sneer cast over his shoulder. He walked of calmly, laughing.

Angry now, I tried getting to my feet, planning on throwing caution to the wind and smacking the asshole up side the head with my club; its not loke much of anyone here would overly mind having the guy unconscious for a good while. But I didn't stay alive this long by ignoring priorities, and potentially being berried alive was more urgent then this dipshit.

"Karen!" I heard Grace call, taking my eyes off Shane. She was nearly at the corridor to the next chamber with Jake pulling her along, both shooting worried glances back my way. "Hurry!"

Running through an internal list of murder options, I hurried my ass up to reach the others. But, as life hates me so much, even that could not go to plan. with another great rumbling a resounding crack, also, accompanied the shaking. Admittedly freezing in fear, I stupidly looked up rather than continuing to flee, thinking that the ceiling was about to come down on my head.

There was defiantly a lot of damage up there, but apparently it was the the stone beneath me, not above me, that I needed to be warry of. 

Why am I just standing here?

Jerking myself out of the temporary shock, I continued my rush to relative safety. Jake had his hand stretched out toward me while also trying to keep Grace from dashing out of the corridor. Mean while, the other 'Heroes' either stood and watched, or made haste in getting farther down the hall, some even running over the people ahead of them. It was sheer pandemonium.

I was about fifteen feet from Jake's hand when another earthquake knocked me off my feet, smacking face first into the stone. I heard a snick and a jolt of pain. Pervious experience told me I had just broken my nose. But that was the least of my issues as an ear splitting roar accompanied by the sounds of rocks exploding signaled the eruption of the floor directly behind me.

One second I was flat on my stomach, a hand on my bloodied face, and the next I felt myself sliding backwards. Heart racing and face on fire, I looked back and let out a garbled scream.

"Grace, stay back!" I heard Jake roar over the din of falling rocks and the screams of the others.

"Someone needs to get her!" I heard Grace yell back, tears obvious in her voice.

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