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The break at the stairway up had been short but sweet. One, I managed to ingest something that was not raw monster meat: water. It wasn't a cheese burger, but I really appreciated it. In fact, I was pretty surprised I hadn't been more dehydrated before arriving. Probably a demon thing.

Either way, I drank till I was fit to burst as well as spent a goodly amount of time rinsing out my mouth. Between not being able to brush my teeth and scarfing down bug bits I felt like my teeth would never be clean again. Did this world even have tooth paste? Some how I doubted it...

And two, neither Pride nor I wanted to spend any more time in this dungeon than we had too. After the long drink, a forty five minute nap for me, and a quick wipe down to at least look like I wasn't a damn zombie, we ascended the staircase.

The next floors were brutal in numbers but the strength of the monsters we came across grew progressively weaker. Or maybe I was just getting stronger? It was probably a combination of the two. But it became increasingly frequent that I was starting to handle my half of the  monsters on my own. All I had to work with were my fancy new demon claws and grit but it got the job done well enough.

It did mean that I would continue to need the hellhounds help, however. As sharp as these suckers were, and as beefed up as my speed and agility stats were getting, it wasn't really an adequate substitute for a sword.

"I need a weapon." I panted, as I stood over the corps of a shaggy yeti looking thing. It was the shape of what I would call a yeti, but it was shorter than I was. And it had used water magic on me, which was a new and neat trick. My 'appraisal' called it a Durum Shaman. Whatever.

Pride's head appeared above the corpse of an even larger Durum, this one being revealed to be a Durum Warrior. His eyes darted to the rather massive club the creature had been wielding before settling back to me. Was it weird that I was getting used to having a red, glowing eyes hellhound with blood in his fur and meat chunks between his teeth talk to me? Yeah... it probably was.

"You could take that club, but it would be ill suited for you." He said, head dipping down, followed by the sick sound of ripping raw meat from a bone. "You would have better results just from your claws, I would think. What you need is a proper demon weapon."

"And what," I asked, flexing my claw tipped fingers before setting them to the haunch of the Durum. The initial puncture to the relatively thick hide was a bit of an effort, but they sliced through quite well after wards. ",Is a proper demon weapon?"

"They are known as the Zer'Keth." Stated the dog, still hidden by the grew fur of his meal. "To be precise, they are another race of demons that look like weapons. Living weapons."

"Wait, seriously?" That sounded hard to imagine.

"Indeed. The Zer'Keth are one of the seven demon races that Tristan created. When not in any proper form, they usually look like rusty swords, or axes, you get the point. But when wielded by a partner demon, they draw power from them and transform into their ideal weapon."

"That does sound pretty amazing." I said, eyeing the red meat I had exposed. It almost didn't even make me wanna hurl anymore, knowing I was about to stuff my face with it. Actually, what mostly went through my head, as I reached in a ripped off a hunk (way easier than it would have been to do before I had changed into a demon) was weather or not I would be able to use water magic like the Durum did. So far I had not gotten any nifty skills, and I was feeling a little bummed over it. 

"They are, by and far, the best tool for a demon queen such as yourself."

Holding the dripping meat as I crouched before my prey I grew thoughtful. "If Tristan made them, then is their a progenitor for them, as you are for the Hellhounds?"

Nyx: The Worst Hero is the Best DemonWhere stories live. Discover now