Preparations for a Long Journey

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It turns out that our cherub like inn keeper was still serving breakfast- barely. And she made sure to let me know with glares and snarky remarks that she was pretty displeased that she had to feed us with only moments to spare. It made for pretty good morning entertainment.

She also did not bat an eye when Pride and I returned with a slave, only to tell us that she had no more rooms. I am quite sure she was lying, but I didn't feel like arguing with her right then. She did raise an eyebrow when I insisted that Edric sit with us, and also eat with us. Even Edric looked a little lost and surprised.

I guess slaves were not supposed to eat with their masters? Oh well. If I didn't mind a dog eating at the table with me, I sure as hell wasn't going to put up a stink with this poor, emaciated, fellow having a damn meal like the human being he was. Especially since I was eighty-eight percent sure that he was no debt or criminal slave.

The meal was pretty silent. I ate normally and Edric looked like he wanted to do anything but, despite the fact that I could hear his stomach. Eventually, when no one bothered us about a slave eating with us- except Shera-the-Bar-Queen glaring at us- he eventually started in on his runny eggs and the mystery meat sausage rolls. 

He ate slow and he didn't eat much. But I wasn't surprised. No doubt his stomach had shrunk, and I would rather he eat a few small meals in the day than stuff himself just to throw it all up later. Once he was done, I lead us all back to my room, so that we could speak freely finally.

I instructed Edric to sit on the chair while I sat cross legged on the bed. Pride decided to sit between us.

"So, Edric, welcome to our merry band." I said on the back end of a sigh. I wouldn't say I was bad at social interactions, but I was a little awkward at the moment, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being that the half dead man that sat across from me was far more than he seemed.

He opened his mouth briefly, like he was going to say something, but then thought better of it, snapping his mouth shut again. He did look a mixture of afraid, confused, and more than a little frustrated.

"Look..." I sighed, deciding to nip this awkwardness in the bud as best as I could, right away. "I have never had a slave before. I can't say I ever, even once, imagined it. And, if the need was not great I probably wouldn't have one still. So, yes, I am in charge, but I would very much rather it be that we acted more like friends- heck, business associates if you like- more than slave and master." I said, watching 'confusion' become the most dominant emotion written on the man's pale face. "I'm gonna call you Edric, you can call me Nyx. And this here is Pride. He may look like a dog, but he is a demon, and just as much a person as you or I. Please treat him as such."

I took a deep breath before continuing. "Now, I know for a fact that you have plenty of questions. I don't know if I can answer them all, but I will at least hear them."

Edric seemed to be fighting some kind of internal struggle. I had never been a slave before, though I had accused a few people of treating me like one. Still, there was no way I could know the true scope of the pain and degradation he had been through, nor how long he had had to suffer it.

But I had been through my share of shitty circumstances and trials. I knew that he would need some time to be alright, if he ever was. But I could give him whatever time he needed to get his head on straight at least.

Eventually, finding his words, Edric spoke. "How do you know my name...?" He asked. His voice was rough and under used, almost croaking. I was sure that it was not how he would normally sound... but I did have a bit of experience with not speaking for a long run of time. 

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