Chapter 12 - Hope

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"Can I help you?" Mr. Fig asked.

"Uh yes, Um... Hi my name is Daisy I'm here to see Missy." I introduced extending my hand out. He looked at my hand and made no effort to grab hold of it.


"We had been talking for a some time." I smiled nervously.

"And you son?" He looked at Iker.

"I'm just her ride," He nervously said pointing to me.

"Just a moment." He grunted shutting the door.

Iker and I looked at one another and stood silently. There was some talking on the other side of the door and rustling. I grasped my hands together in front of me and rocked back and forth on my feet. The floor boards of the patio softly creeked under my weight. Iker began to play with some hanging decoration when a piece broke off. He tossing it to the floor and smiled nervously at me.

I raised my brow at him read to scold him when the door opened to a girl around our age. Her hair is chopped into a pixie cut and a copper color. She used to be a natural red head. "Daisy," She greeted. She tensed at the clueless blonde boy next to me. "I thought I said I didn't want to talk. No one just casually drives four hours to talk."

"I meant it when I said it was serious Missy. Blake did something to me. Something bad. I need to know what happened between you two,"



"Me too, but I guess you knew that."

"Right," I responded.

"You're not going to win Daisy. I tried and it didn't work. Either you leave like I did or live the rest of your life fighting against the ocean. He'll enjoy watching you drown like he almost did me." She spoke. Her voice held sympathy and sadness.

"What did he do? I heard you just had a falling out. Someone said he had a weird girl obsession." I said.

"Obsession is an understatement. Women are toys for his family. His mom is a trophy wife who doesn't care if her husband's overtime was really overtime. She only cared about her life and money. Blake's father is his role model. This all stems off the fact he wished for normal parents. So when he loves a girl. He LOVES her." She exclaimed. "He took advantage of me Daisy and I'm assuming he did the same to you, am I right?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I came here to build my case not lose hope. "Y-yes," I whispered.

"Leave while you can." She said closing the door.

Iker grabbed my hand pulling me to the car helping me in before heading home.


I couldn't stop sobbing as we drove and as if the weather was affected by my mood it had started raining. We were stuck in traffic.

"Daisy..." Iker softly said.

I raised my head wiping my nose in a napkin. Iker looked at me with determination. "Let me pay for your lawyer. A good one."

"I-Iker I can't do that."

"You can and you will. Let me take you first. Meet the lawyer and you then can tell me no if that's still what you want. Okay?"

I just nodded my head and he smiled in victory.


Iker pulled up to a large tall building and lead me inside. He waved at the staff and security and they wave him off like a regular. I raised my brow. Iker is supposedly more wealthy than Blake's family and Blake's family is high on the board.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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