hindsight vs retrospect !!

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Hindsight is a perspective on the past in which understanding has been gained.

Retrospect is simply looking back at the past.


His finger hovered over the conversation thread, stuck between pressing it and scrolling away.

Your last conversation was eight weeks ago, but at this point it felt like you hadn't so much as heard from each other in years. In a fleeting moment of weakness, Suna made the horrible decision to open it.

The worst part about this, he realized as he scrolled through your last conversation one more time, was that he couldn't really pin it as a fleeting moment of weakness no matter how hard he tried. He knew what he was at the end of the day.

He was weak. Not in fleeting moments, but in general. He was weak and he couldn't hold fast and god he missed you but the mere thought of even your name made his blood boil with the memory that he'd worked so hard to bury, trying to avoid having to deal with the emotions that would come with it.

So it was back to forgetting about you. Back to shutting off his phone and forcing himself to put the evil device down so that he could finish reading the stupid textbook for his stupid class that he genuinely couldn't care less about.

Even with a distraction laid out right in front of him, it wasn't strong enough. His thoughts still lingered on the way he had watched you kiss your long-term ex-boyfriend and how for once in his twenty years of living his thoughts were consumed if not owned by someone else.

His pencil tapped against the surface of his desk, the only sound in the room—until his roommate's pained sneezing fit pierced through the dead silence of the apartment.

"Jesus, Atsumu. Do you know how to be fucking quiet?" Osamu yelled from his room. His brother replied with another fit of loud sneezes followed by a strained groan.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it!" Atsumu defended himself, his voice sounding more nasally than usual. "Samu, can you bring me my tea? I left it on the table. Pretty please?"

Suna could hear Osamu groaning at the request despite being all the way down the hall from the twins. Yelling was a normal way for the three of them to communicate, and it usually wasn't a problem until someone started arguing, but today he couldn't deal with it without being irked.

'Can't think, can't focus, and Atsumu's sick. Literally the worst guy to be stuck taking care of when he's sick.'

He had to get away from there, he just didn't know how to without feeling guilty for leaving his two sick roommates alone to probably die. It was like they had some type of Bluetooth connection, one twin was never sick without the other quickly following suit.

A ringing broke him out if his thoughts and his eyes darted to his lit phone screen to see Osamu's name and contact photo. He picked it up.

"What?" He answered, twisting the pencil between his fingers as he spoke.

"Can you do me a favor?" His roommate asked. Down the hall, he could just barely hear Osamu walking to the kitchen and Atsumu coughing from the confines of his room.

"I'm not giving Atsumu his medicine again, I told you we're switching and I did it last time."

Osamu scoffed on the other side. "No, stupid," and one thing about Osamu was he could use the dumbest insults and somehow make them sound more insulting when he said them, "something else completely, doesn't even have to do with us."

he's so annoying - suna r. Where stories live. Discover now