¡ comfort inn ending !

832 21 35

july (cont'd)

Suna was on the road for five minutes when his eyes glanced over to the passenger's seat and he noticed that you had left the hoodie he'd given you the day before.

He wasn't blind, and it definitely didn't take a genius to notice the way that you had gotten attached to it within minutes. You had it on during the movie, you kept it on as you slept, you wore it as he drove you to your destination, only taking it off once you started feeling too hot.

Personally, he didn't understand your new found obsession with it. He had a lot of hoodies, and while the one he gave you was one of the more frequently worn ones, it wasn't the best. Either way, it was funny to see you wearing it everywhere despite the summer heat.

That's why he had turned around, drove back to the restaurant, and got out of the car with the hoodie in hand. You would do better to have it than he would.

He was in the middle of typing out a quick message asking where you were when he caught a glimpse of your hair through the window. You seemed to be talking to someone, sitting a little far from the window with your back to him.

Before he could be thankful that you were in such a noticeable place, he spotted another hairstyle that he was all too familiar with; dark and wavy and barely covering the two moles on his friend's forehead.

Seated at the same table, directly across from you. It looked like you were on a date.

His fingers paused before they could hit send. Yes, Sakusa sort of lived in the same area as you—you both lived in Tokyo after all—but that didn't give a reason as to why he was sitting with you at the restaurant that Suna had driven you to.

You didn't owe him a rundown of everyone you spent your time with, you were free to decide—always.

Even if it was your ex.

Even if it was the only person in the world who knew you in a way so intimately that even Suna didn't fully know yet.

"Fuck," he cursed, shutting off his phone. He wasn't supposed to care about what other people did outside of him; who they talked to, hung out with. It wasn't his business.

It wasn't his business.

He didn't control you.

It wasn't his business.

But...this was. This was his business. He couldn't "not care" about why you were hanging out with Sakusa; he had to know.

He prepared to text you about this, but just as his finger hovered over your conversation, he caught movement from inside that grabbed his attention.

His eyes widened and he backed away from the window, so far back. It was like he wasn't even controlling his movements, he didn't stop until his feet had dragged him back to his car.

He stared at the door handle for a long while, mind reeling with an unintelligible array of thoughts.

You leaned in—you kissed him. Sakusa. You kissed Sakusa.

He saw you lean in. He watched you lean in.

And he ran away like a pussy.

the end.

trigger warnings for the rest of the story (bc yes every time i see this shit in any type of story I get so pissed off) (so obv I had to put it in mine to rlly ruffle some feathers)
1. miscommunication trope
2. Third-act breakup

Like guys it's bouta get so annoying

wc: 609

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