¡ truth untold !

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what suna saw but from your pov

"Alright, we're going to do this as fast as possible." You told Sakusa, guiding him to a table near the back of the restaurant, not too far from a window.

He nodded, sliding into the seat across from you.

"Secret meeting with someone you're not supposed to see. Doesn't this feel a little wrong to you?"

"What, getting flashbacks? You have experience with this, huh?"

His lips pressed into a thin line as he gave you an unimpressed look.

You didn't bother to look through the food options; the sooner you finished speaking to him and got out of there, the better.

"Your message didn't really make sense. What do you mean we should be 'cordial?'"

"Exactly what I said." You stated. "We are obviously never going to be on 'good' terms again, but we have a lot of the same friends now. Atsumu, Aran, Suna—they're your best friends and they're mine, so the last thing I want is for them to have to choose between us from now on."

"Choose between us?"

"Yeah, like choose who they'll spend time, choose whose side they'll take. Atsumu is too scared to even bring your name up around me."

"He doesn't even bring you up around me." Sakusa argued.

"He knows better."

He shrugged. It didn't make you happy to be talking to him—or be in his presence—but it didn't make you feel that same sense of uncomfortability that you usually did. That was a good sign, it meant really moved on and didn't care about him at all anymore.

If you were able to do that, then your friends should be able to have their friendship back without worrying about you.

You sighed. "Either way, you know me. I don't want to be a problem or some type of inconvenience. We're both adults, let's act like it."

His head tilted to the side and he looked you up and down. You raised an eyebrow, asking him what he found so interesting. 

"You always put others first. Why not just hate me for the rest of your life? What's the point in putting yourself through this, brownie points with my friends? With Rin?"

You rolled your eyes as dramatically as you physically could. You prepared to go in on him for thinking you were some loser who only wanted them to like you a little more instead of just genuinely wanting the best for everyone, but instead of focusing on him, your eyes trained on something small that was only revealed when he moved his head.

"What is that...?" You wondered aloud, leaning forward and squinting your eyes. Sakusa tried to lift his head to look at what you were staring at, but you made him pause in his tracks quickly by pushing him away.

Having to squint more and lean even further, you couldn't make out what it was. A black dot, lines coming out from it. What could it have possibly been—


You screamed, jumping back into your seat and almost falling over. Every eye in the area turned to you. Sakusa, terrified of something he hadn't even seen, stood up quicker than you thought possible.

"What is it?!" He asked, looking around the table for what you were staring at. Through heaving breaths, you tried to explain.

"It was—there's—a fucking spider right next to your head!"

You patted yourself down, rubbing air off of your body as if it had jumped onto you. Sakusa frowned.

"Are you serious?" He asked, though it sounded more like a deadpanned statement.

"You know I don't like those little freaks. I'm going home."

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you, uh, need a ride?"

"I'd rather walk."

"That's thirty minutes."

"Need to get my steps in. Bye."


wc: 636

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