¡ otp (on the phone) pt. 2 !

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(I am so sorry in advance)
(smut warning ‼️)
(phone sex pretty much)

"You can't just waltz in here like you're not on thin ice then perform worse than a crippled cat and expect to stay on the team!" Suna rolled his eyes at the comparison. "I'm serious, Rintarou. Get your shit together or you're off the team. Permanently this time."

Coach stormed away through the empty gym to his office, leaving the players to pack up and leave. It was almost becoming a routine at this point for him to get there late, preform mediocrely, and get a stern talking to. He'd be reminded time and time again that he was almost off the team, but for some reason that only God knows he was still on it after all this time.

Maybe it was because he never slacked at matches, but that was stupid. He wanted off, and the coach was not accepting his resignation requests.

"Dude, Rin, how do you manage to get him so worked up?" Atsumu asked him afterwards as they gathered the balls. "He gets seriously pissed when you're not here too, all like 'you tell him to get his sorry behind here or he can say bye bye to school!' Or something,"

He shrugged. "I don't know, I'm starting to think he's obsessed with me."

"Speaking of obsessions!" The blonde remembered. "Tell your girlfriend to text me back! I tried to tell her about Angel and she's left me on delivered for twelve hours."

He faked dramatic sadness at that, really trying to sell the bit of being hurt, but Suna ignored it, tossing another ball into the cart—nearly hitting Atsumu in the face in the process.

Angel was a pure white cat that Atsumu, Aran, and Suna found on the way to practice some hours ago crawling out of a sewer. Atsumu claimed her as his and dropped her off at an animal hospital before the three of them made their way over to practice. Now Suna and Atsumu were tasked with the tedious job of cleaning up the gym before they could leave and pick Angel up before heading home.

"She's not my girlfriend. You need to be careful how you say things, she's still with Omi, remember?" Not to mention we're obviously not on speaking terms anymore.

"He's not good for her." Atsumu said, his tone not as lighthearted anymore. "Omi's one of my best friends, but bro...I have no clue what goes on in that dude's head."

"You can say that again." Suna muttered.

They were silent for a while, walking towards the nets before Atsumu spoke up again.

"Did you and Y/n sleep together?"

The question shocked him to his very core,  though he tried—and failed—to not to show it, attempting to put on a confused expression for Atsumu.

"What ever are you talking about?" he responded in a way that admittedly wasn't a very good way to answer. It wasn't his fault, he never expected Atsumu to be so perceptive.

Unfortunately for Suna, he was.

Atsumu's jaw dropped and he dropped the net too, continuing to get his foot caught in it and nearly tripping. Yeah, he definitely should've answered better.

"YOU DID?" He screamed. "I WAS JUST GUESSING!"

Suna went for another route; avoidance. If he just ignored Atsumu for a while, maybe he'd forget about this entire conversation and go back to normal by next week. Then again, Atsumu wasn't a goldfish.

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