¡ i'm in me mums car !

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Your stomach felt empty and heavy as you watched the numbers on the screen get lower and lower.

The metal walls reflected your image, and you couldn't help but feel like you were being laughed at from somewhere, as if someone was pointing at you, saying "look at this idiot going back to her ex!"

It was probably you.

The numbers kept lowering.


The doors dinged as they opened, revealing the garage beneath your apartment complex. You stepped out, forcing yourself to take a deep breath in to relieve your nerves. It didn't work. You were going to throw up at this rate.

You forced yourself to walk into the lot. Turning left, following along as the numbers of the parking spaces increased.

#406, #407, #408.

That's where you slowed. Next to #408, which was occupied by the huge black SUV that belonged to your neighbor—a nice middle-aged woman that always seemed to be at the gym—was parking space #409.

There must have been some type of error when creating the garage, because parking space #409 didn't belong to any tenants. There actually was no apartment with that number to go along with it, so it was free space. Though, to be fair, there was also no parking space with your apartment number, 410, so you just decided to use it as yours—or more so Sakusa's.

His black sedan was parked in your spot in the corner, the tinted windows rolled up so you couldn't see inside. With nervous steps, you rounded the car to the passenger's side. Without notice, you opened the door and slid into the seat.

He looked up from his phone and smiled at you, you returned it naturally.

"I got your favorite," he started, pulling out two McDonald's bags from the back seat. "and they put hella caramel in your frappe too."

You thanked him as you took one bag and the drink, lowering the backrest until it touched the seats in the back. You spread the foot out on there.

Usually people would be really against eating in the car like this, but you ate in such a meticulous way to not drop crumbs that he didn't even mind. That was sobering that Sakusa liked about you; you just really liked to be clean.

He also let you choose what music to play and against your better judgement, you shuffled your joint playlist for dates exactly like this.

"So, um, Omi," you started, licking the caramel off the straw, "why have you been trying to talk to me for so long?"

You knew it was a bad idea to let him start, or else you'd never be able to get what you had to say off your chest. But somewhere deep inside, you almost didn't want to say anything.

Sakusa sighed, poking at his burger.

"Y/n...I'm sorry." he said. "I should've said it forever ago, at the restaurant, but I had so much built up anger then from all the missed dates and not seeing you for weeks at a time. I handled everything so badly."

You munched on a fry. "Why didn't you just tell me everything that was bothering you?"

He looked at you sadly. "I did, a few times. Nothing ever happened."

"Really?" You asked, brows knitting together. "I don't remember."

You racked your mind for any memories of Sakusa confronting you about how he was feeling. The only time you could remember was from the summer, before the school year started.

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