[1.6] Double Lifes, Choosing Sides

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Word Count: 1805 words.

Sorry for the slow update, but I hope you would enjoy this chapter ^^


"It's not the Cabbage Corp

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"It's not the Cabbage Corp." Yue declared to her caregiver, Lin Beifong. 

And to say that was a very bold statement, would be a good start. After her great absence and mysterious whereabout, Yue Beifong also known as the mental bender prodigy came back with one hell of a statement. 

After her rather bold move, Yue was then detained by Lin for a much-needed private chat. Yue didn't make a fool of Lin, no. . .

But with such distance between the two of them, that was the first thing she hears from her daughter? It astounded Lin so much that she was left rather speechless and stumped. 

"Explain yourself." Lin demanded the moment Yue sat down from across her desk. 

"I'm a great detective, I say that whatever it is that you found at the Cabbage Corp, they are planted evidence. Fancy words to describe that the Cabbage Corp was framed. End of story." Yue refuses to admit her double life as a spy. 

"We both know I needed more than that." Lin scoffed at Yue's apparent dishonesty. "And it's not like I don't trust you, but if you say so, you need to back it up with evidence. Real evidence." Lin emphasizes.

Then it was all silent. 

". . .Tell me. . ." Lin stands up from her seat and walked towards the nearest window. ". . .Do you actually like being a detective? Yue?" 

"Why the question?" Yue raised an eyebrow. 

"Just answer the damn question." Lin fight back. 

". . .I do." Yue finally answer, true to her heart. 

"To be suspended or to be fired, this is solely and entirely up to you." Lin was quick on her feet and in just a second was besides Yue to trap and cornered her. 

"If you don't tell me what you've been up to, I will fire you. But if you will enlighten me, suspension it is." Lin scared the spirit out of Yue with this move. 

Lin speaks as if she had already known the answer, and Yue albeit shaken began to calculate her best move. There's so much to reconsider in such a short amount of time. If she thinks about it truly, is her vengeance worth more than her newfound family?

Truth is, merely thinking about it is far easier than the reality. Yue above all, pride herself for having clear mind due to Tenzin's teaching. For once, Yue must stop thinking like a vengeance seeking lunatic. Right now, it will be best to think like a daughter. 

"Promise you won't be mad?" Yue asked so incredibly softly she finds herself begging. 

"I'm already mad, but I will try for you." Lin tried to glue her stoic face but ever so slightly failing. 

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