Chapter 3|plan succeeded

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"Marat...Marat!"I whisper yelled. He jolt up from his sleep and looked at me as if I grew five heads.
"What?"he started searching for his phone.
"I threw your phone away. Now get up and get dressed. We are leaving."I rushed him. No way I'm gonna let him keep his phone, when that thing can ruin my whole plan.
"Huh..what-wait, why did you threw my phone away?"I looked at him with 'are you for real' face. I swear sometimes he did act like a five year old child.
"Just do as I say. I'm gonna explain later."I walked out of his room to give him time to get dressed. I walked to my parents' bedroom and slightly peeked inside. After I saw father sleeping I walked down the stairs to the living room. Good thing that I put few sleeping pills into father's whiskey. He won't be awake until tomorrow, around 4pm. Which is just enough time for me to succeed my plan.
"Sister...where are we going?"Alina asked in a sleepy voice. I feel terrible for ruining their sleep but we won't have a chance like this again.
"Remember few months ago I promised you that I will take you to New York and we will go anywhere you want?"I smiled kneeling down in front of Adrian who fell asleep again. I put small towel on his back under his sweatshirt, since he sweats a lot for some reason.
"Now will you be kind enough to tell me what's going on? And what Adrian and Alina's suitcases doing here?"Marat asked coming to the living room wearing his usual pair of black pants, black sweatshirt and his black coat on top of that.
"Not now. Pick up Adrian and follow me."I said standing up and put on my coat.
"You better have a good fucking explanation for this."he muttered picking up Adrian after putting on his jacket.
"No cursing."I warned him putting on Alina's coat, "..stand up, Alina."she stood up and I hold her hand and grabbed their suitcases. I didn't pack too much, only few things we are gonna need. We can buy other stuff later.
We made our way to the taxi I ordered and settled in the car. The driver started the car, knowing exactly where we are headed.
"So what is it all about?"Marat asked turning back at me from the passenger seat.
"Father has been seeing another woman behind mom's back for five years. She overdosed because of that."I said brushing soft, curly blonde hair of Adrian.
"But dad said she accidentally drunk her sleeping pills more than needed."he said confused. 
"He lied."I said sighing. He took a moment to register everything and finally spoke.
"Where are we going?"
"New York."
"What? Do you think he won't look for us there?"he asked confused.
"Don't worry I took care of everything."I said and grabbed a new passport, "this is yours. We can call each other by our real names but when there is a need for us to go outside we are gonna use our fake ones."I said handing it to him. 
"I don't even want to know how you did that."he muttered to himself, "really? Ivan? What did I expect from you? That's such a basic name."he rolled his eyes annoyed.
"It suits you."I smiled, "by the way, when we get there we all are gonna stay at home. There is no need for us to leave the house."I said.
"What about food? Expenses? Did you win a lottery or something?"he grinned at me. See, so childish.
"Just let me handle everything and no more questions."I said in a serious tone.
"As you the way, did you find out who that woman was?"he asked again. A slight smirk pulled to my face.
Oh yes I did.
few hours ago

Aha..this is the woman he has been with for the past five years? I must admit she looks beautiful, tho she would look like a Cinderella's sister Drizelda, with short black hair, round face and door shaped body near my mom. Ugh, what happened to father's taste? I guess it's correct that when men age their taste in women age too.  
It wasn't that difficult to find out who that woman was. I asked father who it was and he didn't tell me. So I didn't have any other choice than hacking his phone a bit. It wasn't the best experience, keeping in mind that Drizelda, we will call her that because I don't care what her name is, have sent father nudes.
Even naked she didn't even look like 4 out of 10. Father, you didn't have to embarrass me like this. If you have planned cheating you could have at least find someone decent.
It's fine tho. I'm gonna send a little gift to her. I promise she is gonna love it. 

Let me tell you, that gift was something amazing. I found a guy, teenager around 12 or something, and paid him to sneak into her house and leave the gas open. He was kind enough to accept it, I mean I paid him more than 2thousand dollars for such a simple task. Then I told him to just threw a lighter and boom! Everything is on fire. I'm sure she is dead by now.  And nope I took care of camera footages too. I swear at times like this I love that I learned hacking from him. So Drizelda, if my mom drags you out of hell to give you her own hell, just be strong. Because when mom is mad, devil is nothing next to her.
"Maybe I did find out who that woman was. But you shouldn't pay attention to these things."I said to Marat. He groaned in answer mocking me.
"What about our schools?"
"I'm gonna hire tutors. What's important is that none of you three should leave the house."I said as he nodded after few seconds, thinking about it. It's difficult to keep Marat at home. But nothing is impossible.
Not for me at least.

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