Chapter 18: Finally Back Home

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        We spent a few days in Florida before Rick told us we need to head back for filming. So now we are packing our bags and getting ready to head back to Vancouver. I finished packing my last thing into my suitcase and zipped it up, ready to go. "Leah, are you ready?" I asked as I looked up from my made bed, but I didn't see her anywhere and the bathroom door was open, so I knew she wasn't in there. "Leah?" I asked as I walked around the room and I didn't find any of her things so maybe she is already in the lobby, but it's not like I heard her leave the room. I shrugged and left the room and headed to the elevator to head down to the main floor. I saw Leah and Aryan waiting over by the main desk, so I walked over to them, my suitcase rolling behind me. "Are we just waiting on Walker?" I asked as I made it to them.
     "Yeah, we thought he would come with you, but I guess not. I swear that kid takes forever." Aryan said as he let out a laugh, I laughed along with him, agreeing, somehow he is always the last one ready. I shrugged when I felt someone softly place a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Walker standing next to me with a smile spread across his face, I smiled back. "Okay, now we're ready, let's go." Aryan said as he grabbed his luggage and headed out to the car, the rest of us following after him.

Time skip

We all got off of the plane and we decided to all split apart and go explore before we had to head to the filming set. Me and Walker decided to go get lunch while Leah left to go shopping with Aryan, who she forced to go along with her. "What restaurant do you want to go to?" I asked him as I took his hand in mine, I saw him shrugged out of the corner of my eyes. "Hmm how about... Olive Garden?" I suggested as I look up at him, I saw him smile so I took that as a yes. We made it to the street of the restaurant and I saw that we had to cross the road to I walked over to the cross walk, but Walker pulled me back into his chest.
     "Watch out, you almost got hit by that car." He chuckled and I blushed embarrassed. The car speed by us and I let out a small breath.
     "Thank you." I smiled at him and we were finally able to cross the street without being turned into a road pancake.

    Time skip because I'm lazy

      Me and Walker finished eating and we left the restaurant to go back to the set so we can get on with filming, as we had an episode coming out next week and we still had a lot of filming to do. So we got to set and we were immediately guided to our dressing rooms to get into character, even though I didn't come into the episode until like the last 20 or so minutes, but they wanted me to be ready to film right away. So after getting dressed I walked out, and they were already filming so I quietly watched as they filmed. I smiled as they did the scene where they meet Ares for the first time.
    Eventually we got to the part where I come back from "the dead" since Percy, Annabeth, and Grover find my character covered in blood on the pavement underneath the arch. Anyway so they all sat in the diner as they were talking about how Ares was starting an online fight on twitter and all that stuff, but that's when I come in. "You can come out now, princess." Toby said in character and that's when I "stop being invisible" with my sword to his neck. "Woah woah! I wasn't planning on hurting them..." he said as he raised his arm in defense "...yet" I glared at him.
     "What do you want from us? You always want something... what could it be now?" I asked him in a serious voice, my sword still lightly pressed against his neck, not dropping my guard.
      "If you want to get any further on this quest, you'll need my help, and I won't help you unless you do something. And that starts with you withdrawing your sword away from me." I glared at him a reluctantly dropped my sword and stood next to him with my arms crossed over my chest. He explained how he needed his shield, and we had to go get it for him, what a lazy ass bitch... anyway he said that he would keep Grover and Annabeth there so we'd keep our end of the bargain.
       "Cut!" The director yelled and we all took a deep breath, finally being able to be ourselves after filming. "That was great guys! Keep it up, but one thing, you three" he gestured to Walker, Leah and Aryan "when you guys see Aurora again I want your faces to show more surprise, okay?" They nodded and we redid that small part before we were dismissed from filming for the rest of the day and we all went back to the hotel to rest.

Hey guys!! Short chapter today, sorry for the wait I'm not going to give y'all any lame excuses so yeah. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it was a little spoiler for the next chapter in "Princess of the Gods" hope y'all enjoyed!! Yana out. XOXO

Flipped Scripts (Walker Scobell x F!Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora